Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/383

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THIRTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 100. 1849. 357 buildings for accommodation of officers of the Treasury Department, ten thousand dollars. Wm- Depm-tmmt.——For compensation of the Secretary of War, Wu Depmmd the clerks, messenger, and assistant messenger in his office, seven- fj£’f;mSé:j;°“W teen thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars. $17,850. ° For arrcarage for clerks and messengers in said office, one thousand An-euuges, two hundred and sixty-nine dollars and fifty-six cents. $1269 56- For compensation of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, and the Commissioner clerks, messenger, and assistant messenger in his office, eighteen thou· ‘éf1g°.?f§}‘AH“"°’ sand seven hundred dollars. ’ For compensation of the Commissioner of Pensions, and the clerks fCig>m¤3i=Si¤¤¢¥ and messengers in his office, forty·6ve thousand seven hundred and ‘é45’·°;§“§g?’ forty-one dollars and eighty-three cents. For compensation of the clerk and messenger in the office of the GC°m'{*°“ggg Commanding General, one thousand Eve hundred dollars. mem ’ 8 ` For compensation of the clerks and messenger in the 0H50c of the Ad5¤'=¤·¤€4G¤¤· Adjutant-General, ten thousand four hundred and Hfiy dollars. °m’ SIDA5o' For compensation of clerks and messenger in the dice of the Q¤=¤*¤¤‘¤¤¤S*¤¤· Quartermaster-General, seven thousand three hundred dollars. G%’£;;’0¥§g2h_ For compensation of clerks and messenger in the 01Hce of Clothing mg and equipzmd Equipage, at Philadelphia, four thousand two hundred dollars 8f%“°l' For compensation of clerks and messenger in the office of the Pay- P pgmam}. master-General, nine thousand nine hundred dollars. G¤¤era1,_89900· For compensation of clerks and messenger in the office of the Commissary General of Subsistence, six thousand eight hundred sistence, $6800; dollars. For compensation of clerks and messenger in the office of the Chief Cm°f565OE“8i‘ Engineer, five thousand six hundred and fifty dollars. n°°r’ 8 ` For compensation of- clerks and messenger in the office of the Sur- Surgeon-Gengeon-General, including the sum of one thousand dollars for additional °"1’ 36m' clerk hire, three thousand six hundred and 5Ry dollars. For compensation of clerks and messenger in the ciface of the `0¥d¤¤¤¢¤ D€· Colonel of Ordnance, nine thousand Eve hundred and eighty-uiuc p"¤°°°t’*89589' dollars. For compensation of clerks and messenger in the Bureau of Topo- Eggggggfgpmul graphical Engineers, four thousand nine hundred dollars. $4900. ’ _ C'0ntz'ngencies of the War Dqarzment.-—-For the incidental and fCv%¤*i¤§°”:;i“ contingent expenses of said department, and the various offces and glenn,?-ndjg va: bureaus connected therewith, namely : rims bureaus, In the office of the Secretary of War: méfsce of Sw For blank books, binding, stationery, labor, and printing, and news- muy, papers and periodicals, one thousand four hundred and Hfxydcllars. $**50- For books, maps, and plans, one thousand dollars. $1000. d {or extra clerks in the War Department, one thousand five hundred 81500. 0 ars. For miscellaneous itemsjhve hundred and fifty dollars. 8550. _ _ In the office of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs. °f£m For blank books, binding, and stationery, Eve hundred dollars. 3.500, For labor, one hundred dollars. $100. For miscellaneous items, four hundred dollars. $400- In the office of the Commissioner of Pensions : P¤¤$i°¤ °E°°· F_0l‘ Stationery, blank books, binding, printing blank forms and reg- $7050- glzitwns, advertising, fuel, and furniture, seven thousand and fifty 0 Iars. F<>r miscellaneous items, five hundred dollars. X50')' FOP the purpose of printing, under the direction of the Commissioner &Pri¤¢i¤z bvs. 0f Pensions, an additional number of House document number ninety- 8§&,_r°“P°°t‘"g’ five,.of the first session of the twenty-ninth Congress, and all laws relaturg to pensions which have been passed since the twenty-seventh