Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/379

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THIRTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. S8, 89. 1849. 353 Spc. 2. And be it further enacted', That as soon as the Secretary of hgawsalilangf the Treasury shall be advised, by the Governor of Louisiana, that that ° b"° °°°° State has made the necessary preparation to defray the expenses thereof; he shall cause a personal examination to be made, under the direction of the surveyongeneral thereof, by experienced and faithful deputies, of all the swamp lands therein which are subject to overllow and unfit for cultivation; and a list of the same to be made out, and certified by the deputies and surveyor-general, to the Secretary of the Treasury, who shall approve the same, so far as they are not claimed or held by individuals; and on that approval, the fee simple to said lands shall vest in the said State of Louisiana, subject to the disposal of the legislature thereof: Provided, however, That the proceeds of said lands shall be 1m1;°f;‘;;_ Z: applied exclusively, as far as necessary, to the construction of the levees be eppuea and drains aforesaid. Sec. 3. And be itfartlwr enacted, That in making out a list of these _ K¤W§¤l¢¢*i¢$¤ swamp lands, subject to overflow and unfit for cultivation, all legal sub- ::1,,:: 0,3,,1};,,,*; divisions, the greater part of which is of that character, shall be included of a subdivision in said list; but when the greater part of a subdivision is not of that ‘“ “'“”P l“d· character, the whole of it shall be excluded therefrom: Provided, how- P¤¤Vi¤° as to ever, That the provisions of this act shall not apply to any lands fronting °° bay°°S’ on rivers, creeks, bayous, watercourses, &,o., which have been surveyed into lots or tracts under the acts of third March, eighteen hundred and NIL ¤h· 46· eleven, and twenty-fourth May, eighteen hundred and twenty-four: And 1824, eh. 141. provided, further, That the United States shall in no manner be held Pmvisvliable for any expense incurred in selecting these lands and making out the lists thereof, or for making any surveys that may be required to carry out the provisions of this act. Approved, March 2, 1849. Can. LXXXVlII.—·.8n actfor the Settlement of the Claim.: of .\'ero Hampshire March 2, 1849. against the United States. """""" Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the blotted States of America in Congress assembled, That the Second S f°fN$h° Auditor of the Treasury be, and he hereby is, authorized to settle and Hauipshgm 3; adjust the account of the State of New Hampshire against the United certain military States, " for sundry military expenses incurred by the State in repelling :§;f;’f’m*: al; invasion and suppressing insurrection at Indian Stream, in the county gum, of Coos, in said State," in the same manner and upon the same principles as if the militia therein referred to had been called out by the President of the United States; and to pay the amount thus ascertained Pr _ h to be due out of any unappropriated money in the treasury: Promded, amosgsshutuzl That said amount shall not exceed the sum of seven thousand dollars. exceed $7000, Approved, March 2, 1849. CHAP. LXXXIX. -.51; Act to define the Period of Disability imposed upon certain Mm-eh 2, 1849, Bidders for Mail Contracts. -———-——— Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the disability to Dis¤Y>m*7 im' 00DlJ'H0i. with the Post-Office department, now imposed by law on any gg? bx1g;; person or persons, for entering into combinations against said depart- man contracu ment in relation to contracts therewith, shall in all cases, existing or to l‘$d w n" Hist, cease after the expiration of five years from the time incurred: {g;;€,eh,g7p,gzs, Provided, That any person incurring said disability a second time shall Proviso ¤_ to never be released therefrom. :2;, °E°°°b°' Avrnovnn, March 2, 1849. ` Von. IX. Pun.-45