Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/371

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THIRTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 52, 53. 1849. 345 (july. LIL-.2:1 Ja! making ./Qppropriatinnsfvr the Support of the Military Amd- Feb. 19, 1849, emyhfor the Year ending the thirtiet/x of Juno, one tlurusand eight hundred and ····——··——— ffl!/_ [0b5D16M.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Cmzgress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same ure hereby, appropriated out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the support of the Military Academy for the year ending the thirtieth of June, one thousand eight hundred and filly. For pay of officers, instructors, cadets, and musicians, seventy-nine Pay, $79.764- thousand seven hundred and sixty-four dollars. For commutation of subsistence, five thousand six hundred and Subsistence, twenty·0ne dollars. 86621* For forage for officers’ horses, two thousand four hundred and ninety- Forage, 32496. six dollars ; and all professors shall be entitled to the same amount of Allowance to forage which is allowed to officers of the rank to which their rank P’°f°”°'$· is assimilated. For clothing for officers’ servants, four hundred and twenty dollars. Clothingégm. For repairs, fuel, apparatus, forage for public horses and oxen, sta- coiggldggt Z': tionery, printing, and other incidental and contingent expenses, twenty- Peggy? 826_46o_ six thousand four hundred and sixty dollars. For the increase and expenses of the library, one thousand dollars. Libraiéy, {$10QO. For expenses of the board of visitors, one thousand and thirty-three B°°';03% 3*** dollars and sixty-one cents. °r§§a§m,ks, ' For barracks for cadets, forty thousand dollars. 840,000- For new mess hall, five thousand dollars. 81;;% mm h°u* For riding hall, two thousand dollars. Riding hall, For hospital for enlisted men, two thousand five hundred dollars. {[200W . osprtol, $2500. For permanent quarters and barracks for engineer troops, (sappers, gums, X500g_ miners, and pontoniers,) five thousand dollars. . Approved, February 19, 1849. CHAP. Lil].`- An .9ct · .6 riatians ar the Pa mt o 1-gpolu Feb. 19, 1849. and other Pensions of then?/'nii;1:lr°»é,ta¢cs,forfthe Year dlrindiig the thrhimag """i"`h' June, one thousand eight hundred and fi_f2y. Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the payment of pensions for the year ending the thirtieth of June, one thousand eight hundred and ty. For revolutionary pensions, under the act of the eighteenth of March, R€V°1“*l°¤¤'7 one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, twenty-eight thousand four £&qsl°°s’ $28" hundred dollars. 1818, cn. 19. For invalid pensions, under various acts, two hundred and seventy- _I¤V¤lid Pwtwo thousand dollars. '"°"'* $272·°°°· For pensions to widows, under the act of the second of February, FW Wld¤W¤ wd ODS thousand eight hundred and forty-eight, one hundred and thirty- ‘5§8P““· 8132" two thousand dollars. 1848,ch, 8. For pensions to widows and orphans, under the act of the twenty- 824,000. Hm of July, one thousand eight hundred and forty-eight, twenty-Your 18*8* °b' 1°8‘ thousand dollars. _ For halflpay pensions to widows and orphans; under the act of the .H“lQP“7.(f°°' ¤lXt€CDth of March, one thousand eight hundred and twelve, and U18 ::35 O03i,:;;? Ft of the sixteenth of April, one thousand eight hundred and sixteen, 811,764 57· m ¤·¢ldlilOn to an unexpended balance remaining in the tf6KB1I1y of 18m' °h'66' eleven thousand seven hundred and sixty-four dollars and filly-seven cents, payable through the Third Auditor’s office, ten thousand dollars. Vox.. IX. Pun.-44