Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/323

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THIRTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 166. 1848. 297 For expenses of the survey of the boundary line between the United Survey crumb- States and the British provinces, four thousand eight hundred and thir- §’;S;°'“ l’°“"d°'Y teen dollars and seventy-five cents. ` For continuing the publication of the works of the exploring expe- _C¤nun¤ing pubdition, including the printing of the charts, the pay of the scientific 2,‘?°;‘;$:r€n;°;l;’f corps, salary of the horticulturist, and care of the collection, thirty pedmrm. thousand seven hundred and fifty-three dollars. · For the purpose of restoring, by reconstruction under the direction R°°§%§'·(*`*°*°K of the Secretary of State, the maps showing the demarcation of boun- Q:§:0`;e§°by“i;i.;7 dary under the treaty of Washington, of August ninth, eighteen hundred and forty-two, which were destroyed by fire, at the city of Washington, on the night of April seventeenth, eighteen hundred and forty-eight, and of procuring the authentication thereof, ten thousand dollars. For repayment to Virginia of money paid by that State, under jndg- _R<;p;¤yment to ments of her courts against her, to revolutionary officers and soldiers, and their representatives, for halfipay and commutation of haliipay, a ments to her rE- sum not exceeding eighty-one thousand two hundred and seventy-three ;‘;;";’1’&“;g,d,;*fS‘ dollars and seventeen cents: Provided, however, That the agent of said ' State shall first deposit authenticated copies of the acts or judgments under which the money was paid_ by the State of Virginia. For the payment to Richard Fields of the balance due him on the Richard Fields certificate of the commissioners of Washington city, of June the twen- gin b"l““°° d“° ty-fifth, eighteen hundred and forty-seven, awarded and decreed to him ` under the sixteenth article of the treaty with the Cherokee nation of Indians of eighteen hundred and thirty-five-’six, six hundred dollars. To pay Samuel Walker for work done at the Norfolk hospital, fifty dollars. Lighthouse Establishment. -— For supplying lighthouses (contain- Lishlh<>¤¤¢ ing two thousand nine hundred and seventy-six lamps) with oil, tube- °S?:£{Q;?“°‘ glasses, wicks, buff skins, whiting, and cotton cloth, transportation, and other expenses, on the same, and for repairing the lighting apparatus, one hundred and forty thousand three hundred and ninety-four dollars and sixty-two cents. For repairs and incidental expenses, reiitting, and improvements of P~¢P¤i¤· lighthouses, and buildings connected therewith, seventy-eight thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine dollars and sixty-seven cents. For salaries of two hundred and seventy-three keepers and fifteen Keepers. assistant keepers of lighthouses, (seventeen of them charged with double and three with triple lights,) including twelve hundred dollars for salary of an inspector of lights on the lakes, one hundred and fourteen thousand nine hundred and forty-eight dollars und thirty-three cents. For salaries of thirty-one keepers of floating lights, sixteen thou- Fl¤=¤¤slisl¤*¤· sand six hundred and "dfty dollars. For seamen’s wages, repairs and supplies of thirty-one floating lights, seventy-nine thousand two hundred and sixty-five dollars and two cents. For weighing, mooring, cleansing, repairing, and supplying loss of &B°'*°°°’:l’“°Y'» beacons, buoys, chains, and sinkers, thirty-three thousand four hundred c' and sixty-six dollars and twenty-eight cents. For expenses of superintendents in visting [visiting] the lighthouses 4¤¤¤¤l ¤¤¥¤l- annually, and examining and reporting the condition of each, two thou- mm"' sand dollars. For superintendents commissions on four hundred and sixty-five §¤p<=r¤nteqdthousand seven hundred and thirteen dollars and ninety-two cents, at gg5s_ °°mm°°` two and a half per cent., eleven thousand six hundred and forty dollars and thirty—hve cents; Provided, That no part of the sum hereby R§g§*l°d·P°“· appropriated shall be paid to any person who receives a salary us un P- ` officer of the customs. And from and after the first day of July, eigh- Vor.. IX. Pun.—3B