Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/318

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292 THIRT1E'1`H CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 166. 1848. two hundred uollars, and in addition to available hands on hand, twenty-nine thousand two hundred dollars.- _ I Judiciary- _ Judiciary. -For salaries of the chief justice of the Supreme Court, nnflihgff-0c,,'f;;l°° and the eight associate judges, forty-one thousand dollars. DistrlotJndge¤. For salaries of the district judges, sixty-three thousand seven hundred dollars. _J¤<jp¤= ¤f_Di¤· For salaries of the chief justice of the District of Columbia, the t"" °1“'°b'°' associate judges, the judges of the Criminal and Orphans' Court, ten thousand seven hundred dollars. Att¤mc£·Gen- For salaries of the Attorney-General, and the clerk and messenger ml Z`"'] ° °°‘ in his office, six thousand one hundred dollars. For contingent expenses of the office of the Attorney·General, five hundred dollars. Reporter of For salary of the reporter of the decisions of the Supreme Court, one S“l"°“°° C""' thousand three hundred dollars. District Attor- For compensation of the district attorneys, being two hundred dol- “°Ys· lars each, as prescribed by law, seven thousand four hundred dollars. Marshals. For compensation of the marshals, as prescribed by law, six thousand six hundred dollars. Contingencies. For defraying the expenses of the Supgzme, Circighl ant; Distpct Courts of the United States, including the istrict of o um ia; a so, for jurors and witnesses, in aid of the funds arising from fines, penalties, and forfeitures incurred in the fiscal year ending the thirtieth June, eighteen hundred and forty-nine, and previous years; and likewise for defraying the expenses of suits in which the United States are concerned, and of prosecutions for offences committed against the United States, and for the apprehension and safe-keeping of prisoners, { Pf°t*£P; Yes; four hundred and, forty-three thousand dollars: Provided, however, c°;,,,,—y,,,:,°3,,pg,_ That hereafter, in lieu of all fees, emoluments, and receipts now allowed tions. for taking and certifying the depositions of witnesses in civil causes, the clerk, commissioner, or other officer taking and certifying the same, shall be entitled to receive no seater sum whatever than two dollars for each and every deposition sg taken and certified, and for all services connected therewith; and when the taking of such deposition shall require more than six hours, then for every additional six hours B<><>k¤ in the the like rate of compensation : Andprovidedfurther, That all books in 2Q5c;;,,,?; f;"":;; the offices of the clerks of the Circuit and District Courts of the United open for inspec- States, containing the docket or minute of the judgments or decrees ‘l,‘;“ "m‘°““ of said courts, shall, during office hours, be open to the inspection of ° nge' any person desiring to examine the same, without any fee or charge therefor. hR¢P***6°,*;°93"·· For repairs of the United States court-house at Detroit, heretofore °uS°' ° m made by William R. Noyes, under the direction of the marshal, such amount as the treasury decide is due. k{;:’£::;‘°;:3 ]lh`SccZZa1¢c0us.—For payment of annuities and grants by special g,.,,,,,, acts of Congress, seven hundred and fifty dollars. 1’urch¤se of For the purchase of one or both of the bridges over the Eastern Egga azcxe Bf8H0h, HB3! the city of Washington, at a valuation to be made in such manner as the Secretary of the Treasury may direct, a sum not exceeding thirty thousand dollars, which bridge or bridges, when purchased, shall be free of toll to all persons whomsoever, under such regulations as are now in force, or as the same may be legally modified or added to, in relation to the Potomac bridge opposite said city. A“Xm".V €““"d· _ For Gompcnsaticn and contingent expenses of the auxiliary guard. I _ six thousand seven hundred and seventy-five dollars. _ forcgllyggagi For annual repairs of the Capitol, attendance on furnaces ln the md g,.,,,,,,d,_ crypt, attendance on water closets, cleaning rotundo; for publw gilldener and laborers, and cartage on the Capitol grounds; tools, wire, twine, leather, nails, chains and posts, boxes, straw, whitewashmg,