Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/316

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290 THIRTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Un. 166. 1848. drography, and of the draughtsman, clerks, and messenger in his office, nine thousand four hundred dollars. Qonstruction, For compensation of the chief of the Bureau of Construction, Equip §<i¤·1>¤><=¤¤ and ment, and Repairs, and of the assrstant constructor, draugiitsmrm, °pms' clerks, and messenger in his office, thirteen thousand one hundred dollars : Provided, That when a captain in the navy shall be the chief Saiaryofcbief. of the bureau, he shall receive the same pay to which be would be gpm- ,,,,.3; entitled if upon other duty. _ l constructor. For compensation of the chief naval constructor and the engineer in chief, six thousand dollars. _B¤r¤¤¤ vg Pr<>- For compensation of the chief of the Bureau of Provisions and Cloth.

';;°”“ me Mh` ing, and of the clerks and messenger in his office, nine thousand three

Office to be hundred dollars: Provzded, That when a vacancy shall occur, a purser mm} W “P“"°'· of the nav of the United States of not less than ten ears' standino hllb y` dtd hdf"db `I fl` U, s a e assigne 0 uty as ea o said ureau, receiving or us services no compensation except his highest service pay as acpurser. Medicine and For compensation of the chief of the Bureau of Medicine and Sur- S‘"€""'Y· gery, and of the clerks, assistant surgeon, and messenger in his office, _ six thousand eight hundred dollars. C<>¤¤¤g¢¤¢i¢¤· For contingent expenses of said department and all the bureaus connected therewith, viz. : For blank books, bindin , stationer rintin and labor four thoug yi P g) 7 sand dollars. ‘ For newspapers and periodicals, two hundred dollars. For miscellaneous items, one thousand six hundred dollars. ec§g*;;l>g;s§Si;¤· For compensation of superintendent and three watchmen of the ‘ g' goutl;-igest executive building, one thousand three hundred and forty- ve dollars. For contingent expenses of said building, viz. : 5 Far Labor, fire], and light, one thousand six hundred and seventy- ve dollars. _Rent {pf addi- For the rent of additional offices, and fuel for the use of the Navy

 "   Department, three thousand dollars.

ment, For miscellaneous items, one thousand one hundred and filly dollars.

 For payment of expenses of frigate Macedonian whilst employed unmgatc M,,c,,d0_ der a resolution of Congress in carrying provisions to Ireland, such sum

man. (not exceeding sixteen thousand dollars) as the accounting officers of Ante, p. 207. the treasury charged with settling the accounts of the navy, under the direction of the Secretary of the Navy, may find to have been actually P¤1d_by the Commander, making no allowance for his pay, which he dlpclmesto receive, and deducting from the whole amount paid by him t e earnings of the shi . pagtgggmtis D6- POS!-Office Departrhent. -—For compensation of the Postmaster- 1,,,s,m,m,_ General, three assistant postmasters-general, clerks, messengers, assistilsrrgeraland om- Zlst mcsgengtgs, and watchmen of the said department, seventy-fo¤r ·· · thousand six undred dollars. thelelzlés under . For compensation of four clerks, under the act of nineteenth MB)', ··>*M=u ht hdd · · 17, 1,,,8, eh_ 43_ Gig een un re and forty-eight, for six months, at the rate of 0116 thousand dollars each per annum, two thousand dollars. der;I(`;¤¤P¤r¤Y For compensation to temporary clerks, two thousand dollars. Su,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, For compensation of the superintendent of the post-office building. P¤st·0mee De. two hundred and fifty dollars. art - . . P Cmlsgenciesl gm tllpe contingent expenses of said department, viz.: _ '_ or ank books, binding, stationery, fuel, oil, labor, printing, and _ day watchmen, six thousand one hundred and sixty dollars. M‘s°°ll°”°°““· For miscellaneous items, eight hundred dollars. For repairs of the post—office building, repairs of the furnaces, whiteyyashlyngh ggzllag, casing fireplaces, and mending office furlllmfcr ve un re dollars.