Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/249

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THIRTIETH CONCRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 42. 18-18. 223 eighteen hundred and forty-seven, or if the master of any such vessel shall take on board at a foreign port, and bring within the jurisdiction of the United States, a greater number of passengers than is allowed by this section, said master shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished in the manner provided for the punishment of persons convicted of a violation of the act aforesaid; and in computing the number of passengers on board such vessels, all children under the age of one year, at the time of embarkation, shall be excluded from such computation. Sec. 9. And be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect, Timexvhcn this in respect to such vessels sailing from ports in the United States, in };;,‘*‘° '·’*l‘° °l" thirty days from the time of its approval; and in respect to every ` such vessel sailing from ports in Europe, in sixty days after such approval; and it is hereby made the duty of the Secretary of State to give notice, in the ports of Europe, of this act, in such manner as he may deem proper. Sec. 10. And be it further enacted, That so much of the first sec- Limitation of tion of the act entitled "An Act regulating passenger ships and F;‘f;j:¤°’€v‘::;,Q vessels," approved March second, eighteen hundred and nineteen, or armies;,?;, any other act that limits the number of passengers to two for every W9, ****-**6- five tons, is hereby repealed. Ammovnn, May 17, 1848. Cntr. XLII.-An Act to continue, alter and amend the Charter of the City May 17, 18l8. of Washington. ·——············· Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Mtited States of America in Congress assembled, That the act of Acts of 1820, May fifteenth, eighteen hundred and twenty, entitled "An Act to cp ;gg»¤¤d 182% incorporate the inhabitants of the city of ‘WVashington, and to repeal ,:lémc,,’,:,.i;,d all acts heretofore passed for that purpose," and the act of May twenty- respecting the sixth, eighteen hundred and twenty-four, entitled "An Act supple- {gy g§“ll’n“§;;"§,; mentary to ‘ An Act to incorporate the inhabitants of the city of Wasli- force for tv.-amy ington,’ passed the fifteenth of May, one thousand eight hundred and >'*==¤*· twenty, and for other purposes," and the act or acts supplemental or additional to said acts which were in force on the fourteenth day of May, eighteen hundred and forty, or which may, at the passing of this act, be in force, be and the same are hereby continued in force for the term of twenty years from the date hereof, or until Congress shall by law determine otherwise, with the alterations, additions, explanations, and amendments following, that is to say: Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the said corporation shall have full power and authority to lay and collect a tax of not exceeding 7,,,,,,. Onsmckg three fourths of one per centum per annum upon the assessed value of all stocks which may be owned and possessed by any person whatever in any banking, insurance, or other incorporated or unincorporated company in the city of Washington; and to compel all such banking, insurance, or other incorporated or unincorporated company to furnish, when so required to do, within ten days thereafter, a full and complete list of the names of the stockholders in such company, and the Lists or stack. amount of stock owned by each, under a penalty not exceeding fifty h¤l<l¤¤- dollars for each and every week such company shall neglect or refuse or fail to furnish the same. And in default of payment of the tax due on said stock by the banking, insurance or other company, or by the holder or holders of the stock, the said corporation shall have full power and authority to sell the said stock, or so many shares 5;,;,, of S;,,,,,, thereof as shall be sufficient to pay the taxes due thereon, and costs f*;_¤‘t¤¤:-P¤>‘m¢¤¢ of collection, as provided in the case of personal property. The ° fm" said corporation shall also have power to lay and collect II tax not