Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/233

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TWENTY—NINTH CONGRESS. Szss.H. Rss. 8, 9, 10. 1847. 207 \Var he, and he is hereby, authorinedand required to cause to`be O, individuals in refunded to the several States, or to individuals for services rendered organizing, subacting under the authority of any States, the amount of expenses in- Sf;;‘§'»*¤dv*m‘;‘ curred by therri in organizing, subsisting, and transporting yolunteers {lem in be n,; previous to their being mustered and received into the service of the funded- United States for the present war, and for subsisting troops in the service of the United States, without waiting for deductions to be made from the pay of said volunteers. Approved, March 3, 1847. [No. 8.] —.d Resolution for lighting with Gas the Capitol and Capitol Grounds. March 3, 184-L Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States if America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Contract for Senate and the Clerk of the House of Representatives, be authorized lhiimé *h° C*‘l’i‘ . . . . ol and grounds and directed to contract with James Crutchett for lighting up the with gas author- Capitol and the Capitol grounds, with the solar gas light: Provided, i¤¤d· _ That such contract can be made upon terms deemed reasonable by m:;;“’° “ ‘·° the said Secretary and Clerk, and that a sum not exceeding seventeen ` thousand Eve hundred dollars be, and the same is hereby, appropriated, Appropriation. out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to carry the said contract into effect. Approved, March 3, 1847. ‘ No. 9. -.6 Resolution concernina the Purchase o additional Lands or the [ (gse of the United States Armbries at Harpefs ilicrry and Springjieldi Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the assent of Con- The purchase gress be, and is hereby, given to the purchase of additional lands for if “ddl*i€’“‘*1 . . . nds authorized the use of the United States armories at Harper's Ferry and Spring- at Ha,-Pays per. field, and to the application for that purpose of so much of the sums VY Md SPM5- appropriated for repairs, improvements, and new machinery at Har- Edd' per’s Ferry and Springfield armories, by the act approved August eighth, eighteen hundred and forty-six, as the estimates show to have 184*% ¤h· 95 been intended for the purchase of lands and· buildings for said armortes. Approved, March 3, 1847. [No. 10.]- A Resolution authorizing the employment of the United States Ships March 3, ]g4,7_ Jfacedonian and Jamestown in transporting Provisions for the famishing -—;···—--—- Paar of Ireland and Scotland. [Ob50l€W·l Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives xy" the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the United States Navy be, and he is hereby, authorized to place at the disposal of ‘l'lP1:,{°°°;1°*g5*“ Captain George C. De Kay, of New Jersey, the United States ship P0? 0;:};,,,,,;,; Macedonian, for the purpose of transporting to the famishing poor éecrgc C·]De of Ireland and Scotland such contributions as may be made for their 0,."V;,;_“dJ:m;;{ relief ; and that the said Secretary be also authorized to place at the town aplaced at disposal of Captain Robert B. Forbes, of Boston, the United States g1l;‘EB°P€0g;!;· sloop-oilwar the Jamestown, for the like purpose; or, if the Secretary to cm,. Nvisf shall be of opinion that the public interest will be better subserved inns to iieiwd thereby, he is authorized to despatch said vessels upon the service °”d S°°°l“°‘ aforesaid as public ships. Approved, March 3, 1847