Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 89.djvu/1160

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PUBLIC LAW 94-000—MMMM. DD, 1975

89 STAT. 1100



47 USC 396.

Testimony before congressional committees.

47 USC 397. "Non-Federal financial support."

PUBLIC LAW 94-192—DEC. 31, 1975 regarding the distribution of funds reserved pursuant to paragraph (5) of this subsection, as set forth below: "(A) The total amount of funds shall be divided into two portions, one to be distributed among radio stations, and one to be distributed among television stations. The Corporation shall make a basic grant from the portion reserved for television stations to each licensee and permittee of a noncommercial educational television station that is on-the-air. The balance of the portion reserved for television stations and the total portion reserved for radio stations shall be distributed to licensees and permittees of such stations in accordance with eligibility criteria that promote the public interest in noncommercial educational broadcasting, and on the basis of a formula designed to— " (i) provide for the financial need and requirements of stations in relation to the communities and audiences such stations undertake to serve; "(ii) maintain existing, and stimulate new, sources of nonFederal financial support for stations by providing incentives for increases in such support; and " (iii) assure that each eligible licensee and permittee of a noncommercial educational radio station receives a basic grant. "(B) No distribution of funds pursuant to this subsection shall exceed, in any fiscal year, one-half of a licensee's or permittee's total non-Federal financial support during the fiscal year second preceding the fiscal year in which such distribution is made. "(7) Funds distributed pursuant to this subsection may be used at the discretion of stations for purposes related to the provision of educational television and radio programing, including but not limited to the following: producing, acquiring, broadcasting, or otherwise disseminating educational television or radio programs; procuring national or regional program distribution services that make educational television or radio programs available for broadcast or other dissemination at times chosen by stations; acquiring, replacing, and maintaining facilities, and real property used with facilities, for the production, broadcast, or other dissemination of educational television and radio programs: developinsf and usinsf nonbroadcast communications technologies for educational television or radio programing purposes.". SEC. 3. Subsection BPfifs:) (2)(H) of the Communications Act of 1934 is amended by deletinjr the period after "broadcasting" and insertina: the f ollowinp-: "and the use of nonbroadcast communications technologies for the dissemination of educational television or radio programs.". SEC. 4. Subsection 396(i) of the Communications Act of 1934 is amended by adding at the end thereof the following sentence: "The officers and directors of the Corporation shall be available to testify before appropriate committees of the Congress with respect to such report, the report of any audit made by the Comptroller General purSTiant to subsection 396(1), or any other matter which any such committee may determine.". SEC. 5. Section 397 of the Communications Act of 1934 is amended by insertinq:, after paragraph (9), the following paragraphs: "(10) The term 'non-Federal financial support' means the total value of cash and the fair market value of property and services (except for personf<l services of volunteers) received— "(A) as gifts, grants, bequests, donations, or other contributions for the construction or operation of noncommercial educational broadcast stations, or for the production, acquisition, distribution, or dissemination of educational television or radio