Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 88 Part 1.djvu/541

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[88 STAT. 497]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1975
[88 STAT. 497]

88 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 93-380-AUG. 21, 1974


before the "and" at the end thereof the following: " (and at the discretion of the local educational agency, in any school of such agency not located in such a school attendance area, at which the proportion of children in actual average daily attendance from low-income families is substantially the same as the proportion of such children in such an area of that agency)". (C) Section 141(a)(2) of such title I is amended to read as follows: ^o use 24ie. "(2) that the local educational agency has provided satisfactory assurance that section 141A will be complied with;". ^"^^^ (D) Section 141(a) of such title I is amended by striking out "and" after paragraph (12), and by striking out paragraph (13), and inserting in lieu thereof the following: "(13) that, where a school attendance area does not meet the requirement of paragraph (1)(A) of this subsection for a fiscal year, or in the case of a local educational agency electing to allocate funds under section 140, where such an area does not meet the requirement of that section, but did meet the appropriate requirement in either of the two preceding fiscal years, that school attendance area shall be considered to meet the applicable criterion for that fiscal year; and "(14) that the local educational agency shall establish an advi- ^.fg*^^'^"""^ °""' sory council for the entire school district and shall establish an Establishment. advisory council for each school of such agency served by a program or project assisted under section 143(a)(2), each of which ^° ^^^ ^'^^sadvisory councils— " (A) has as a majority of its members parents of the children to be served, " (B) is composed of members selected by the parents in each school attendance area, " (C) has been given responsibility by such agency for advising it in the planning for, and the implementation and evaluation of, such programs and projects, and " (D) is provided by such agency, in accordance with regulations of the Commissioner, with access to appropriate information concerning such programs and projects." (E) Section 141 of such title I is amended by striking out subsection (c), by redesignating subsection (b) as subsection (c), and by inserting after subsection (a) the following new subsection: " (b) I t is the intent of the Congress to encourage, where feasible, the development for each educationally deprived child participating in a program under this title of an individualized written educational plan (maintained and periodically evaluated), agreed upon jointly by the local educational agency, a parent or guardian of the child, and when appropriate, the child." (6) Such title I is amended by inserting immediately after section 141 the following new section: "PARTICIPATION or CHILDREN ENROLLED I N PRIVATE SCHOOLS

"SEC. 141A. (a) To the extent consistent with the number of educationally deprived children in the school district of the local educational agency who are enrolled in private elementary and secondary schools, such agency shall make provision for including special educational services and arrangements (such as dual enrollment, educational radio and television, and mobile educational services and equipment) in which such children can participate and meeting the requirements of clauses (A) and (B) of paragraph (1) of subsection (a) of section 141, paragraph (2) of subsection (a) of such section, and clauses (A) and (B) of paragraph (3) of subsection (a) of such section 141. " (b)(1) If a local educational agency is prohibited by law from

^° ^^^ 241 e-i.