Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 88 Part 1.djvu/429

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[88 STAT. 385]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1975
[88 STAT. 385]

88 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 93-355-JULY 25, 1974


activity prohibited by the Canons of Ethics and Code of Professional Responsibility of the American Bar Association, and insure that such attorneys refrain from personal representation for a private fee in any cases in which they were involved while engaged in such legal assistance activities. "(b) No funds made available by the Corporation under this title, Funds, umitaeither by grant or contract, may be used— °"^' " (1) to provide legal assistance with respect to any fee-generating case (except in accordance with guidelines promulgated by the Corporation), to provide legal assistance with respect to stny criminal proceeding, or to provide legal assistance in civil actions to persons who have been convicted of a criminal charge where the civil action arises out of alleged acts or failures to act and the action is brought against an officer of the court or against a law enforcement official for the purpose of challenging the validity of the criminal conviction; "(2) for any of the political activities prohibited in paragraph (6) of subsection (a) of this section; "(3) to make grants to or enter into contracts with any private law firm which expends 50 percent or more of its resources and time litigating issues in the broad interests of a majority of the public; "(4) to provide legal assistance under this title to any unemancipated person of less than eighteen years of age, exce:t (A) with the written request of one of such person's parents or guardians, (B) upon the request of a court of competent jurisdiction, (C) in child abuse cases, custody proceedings, persons in need of supervision ( P I N S) proceedings, or cases involving the initiation, continuation, or conditions of institutionalization, or (D) where necessary for the protection of such person for the purpose of securing, or preventing the loss of, benefits, or securing, or preventing the loss or imposition of, services under law in cases not involving the child's parent or guardian as a defendant or respondent; "(5) to support or conduct training programs for the purpose of advocating particular public policies or encouraging political activities, labor or antilabor activities, boycotts, picketing, strikes, and demonstrations, as distinguished from the dissemination of information about such policies or activities, except that this provision shall not be construed to prohibit the training of attorneys or paralegal personnel necessary to prepare them to provide adequate legal assistance to eligible clients; "(6) to organize, to assist to organize, or to encourage to organize, or to plan for the creation or formation of, or the structuring of, any organization, association, coalition, allianco, federation, confederation, or any similar entity, except for the provision of legal assistance to eligible clients in accordance with guidelines promulgated by the Corporation; "(7) to provide legal assistance with respect to any proceeding or litigation relating to the desegregation of any elementary or secondary school or school system; "(8) to provide legal assistance with respect to any proceeding or litigation which seeks to procure a nontherapeutic abortion or to compel any individual or institution to perform an abortion, or assist in the performance of an abortion, or provide facilities for the performance of an abortion, contrary to the religious beliefs or moral convictions of such individual or institution; or "(9) to provide legal assistance with respect to any proceeding or litigation arising out of a violation of the Military Selective Service Act or of desertion from the Armed Forces of the United so use app. States. ^-