Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 88 Part 1.djvu/1229

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[88 STAT. 1185]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1975
[88 STAT. 1185]


PUBLIC LAW 93-431-OCT. 1, 1974



vide that the Department of the Navy shall transfer to the Department f ^^^ "" °' ^ ^" ^" ' of the Interior funds sufiicient to cover the costs attiibutable to the functions and services which are provided by the Department of the Interior. The Secretary shall consult with representatives of the city p^^^"^'^"'"Jjaof Boston and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts conceniint*- the tion with city and development of suitable transportation plans consistent with the pur- ^tate representaposes for which the Navy Yard was included in the historical park. SEC. 3. (a) I n addition to the properties described in section 2 of studies. this Act, the Secretary shall study the properties described in this ^^^ 4ioz-i. section to determine the feasibility and suitability of including them within the Boston National Historical Park. I n making such studies, he may enter into tentative agreements with any owners thereof for their inclusion in said park and he may enter into options, for a nominal consideration, for the purchase of such properties, but no additional properties may be added to the park except by an act of the Congi'ess. Studies shall be made of the following properties: (1) Boston Common; (2) Dillaway-Thomas Llouse; (0) Thomas Crease House (old Cornei- Book Store); (4) Dorchester Heights; and (5) the following burying grounds: King's Chapel, Granary, and Copp'sHill. (b) In furtherance of the general purposes of this Act as prescribed Preservation and ^



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restoration, coop-

m section 2, the Secretary is authorized to enter into cooperative agree- erative agreements with the city of Boston, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, ^ents. or any private organization to mark, interpret, restore, and/or provide teclmical assistance ioi' the preservation and inte^'pretation of any properties listed in section 2, or portions thereof, which, in his opinion, would best be preserved in private, municipal, or State ownership, in connection with the Boston National Historical Park. Such agreements shall contain, but shall not be limited to, provisions that the Secretary, through the National Park Service, shall have right of access at all reasonable times to all public portions of the property covered by such agreement for the purpose of conducting visitors through such properties and interpreting them to the public, that no changes or alterations shall be made in such properties except by mutual agreement between the Secretary and the other parties to such agreements, except that no limitation or control of any kind over the use of any such properties customarily used for church purposes shall be imposed by any agreement. The agreements may contain specific provisions which outline in detail the extent of the participation by the Secretary in the restoration, preservation, and maintenance of such historic properties. (c) The Secretary may identify other significant sites of the colonial significant ^ and Kevolutionary periods of American history in the city of Boston, uon!' ' Massachusetts, and its environs, which are related to the historical park created by this Act, and, with the consent of the owner or owner's thereof, may mark them appropriately and make reference to them in any interpretive literature. SEC. 4. (a) There is established a Boston National Historical Park Hi^t°oVi^ai"p'l°k"'^ Advisory Commission (hereinafter referred to as the "Commission") AdVi°s"ry comwhich shall be composed of members appointed by the Secretary as mission. fnllr,AvcrOllOWS.

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Establishment. 16 USC 410Z-2.

(1) Three members appointed from recommendations sub- Membership. mitted by the Governor of Massachusetts; (2) Three members appointed from recommendations submitted by the mayoi- of the city of Boston; and