Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 86.djvu/765

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[86 STAT. 723]
PUBLIC LAW 92-000—MMMM. DD, 1972
[86 STAT. 723]

86 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 92-432-SEPT. 26, 1972

"Whoever receives or possesses any such money order form with the intent to convert it to his own use or gain or use or gain of another knowing it to have been embezzled, stolen or converted; or "Whoever, with intent to defraud the United States, the Postal Service, or any person, transmits, presents, or causes to be transmitted or presented, any money order or postal note knowing the same— "(1) to contain any forged or counterfeited signature, initials, or any stamped impression, or "(2) to contain any material alteration therein unlawfully made, or "(3) to have been unlawfully issued without pre\ioiis payment of the amount required to be paid upon such issue, or "(4) to have been stamped without lawful authority; or "Whoever steals, or with intent to defraud or without being lawfully authorized by the Post Office Department or Postal Service, receives, possesses, disposes of or attempts to dispose of any postal money order machine or any stamp, tool, or instrument specifically designed to be used in preparing or filling out the blanks on postal money order forms— Shall be fined not more than $5,(K)() or imprisoned not more than i\ye, years, or both." Approved September 23, 1972. •



Public Law 92-431 AN ACT

To amend the Act of August 9, 1955, to authorize longer tenn leases of Indian lands VfK'ated outside the boundaries of Indian reservations in New Mexico.

September 26, 1972

[H. R. 7701]

^e it enacted by the, Senate wnd House of Representatives of the Res United States of America in Congress assembleds That the second Indiant r ilc tnedds. a sentence of the tirst section of the Act entitled "An Act to authorize NMex! the leasing of restricted Indian lands for public, religious, educational. Longer term recreational, residential, business, and other purposes requiring the grant of long-term leases", approved August 9, 1955 (25 T^.S.C. 415), ^^ta'^'597^^' is amended by inserting immediately after the word '•'exce]>t" the first time it appears the words "leases of land located outside the boundaries of Indian reservations in the State of Xew Mexico, and". Approved September 26, 1972. Public Law 92-432 AN ACT

To amend the Act of May 19, 1948. with respect to the use of real property for wildlife conservation purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That clause (2) of the first sentence of the first section of the Act entitled "An Act authorizing the transfer of certain real property for wildlife, or other purposes, approved May 19, 1948 (16 V.S.C. 667b), is amended by striking out "chiefly". Approved September 26, 1972.

September 26, 1972

[H. R. 13025] ^JJ^on^'^^ conser"VeTi property transfer. ^2 Stat. 240.