Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 86.djvu/692

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[86 STAT. 650]
PUBLIC LAW 92-000—MMMM. DD, 1972
[86 STAT. 650]

PUBLIC LAW 92-414-AUG. 29, 1972


Public Law 92-414 August 29, 1972 [H. R.15474]

National C o o l e y ' s Anemia Control Act.

[86 STAT.

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AN ACT To amend the Public Health Service Act to provide assistance for programs for the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of, and research in, Cooley's anemia.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Remesentat'iven United States of America in Congress assembled,

of the


1. This Act may be cited as the "National Cooley's Anemia Control Act". SECTION"


SEC. 2. (a) The Congress finds and declares— (1) that Cooley's anemia is a debilitating, inheritable disease that afflicts thousands of American citizens and has been largely neglected; (2) that efforts to prevent Cooley's anemia must be directed toward increased research in the cause and treatment of the disease, and the education, screening, and counseling of carriers of the trait; (3) that programs to prevent Cooley's anemia must be based entirely upon the voluntary cooperation of the individuals involved; and (4) that the attainment of better methods of prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of Cooley's anemia deserves the highest priority. (b) In order to preserve and protect the health and welfare of all citizens, it is the purpose of this Act to establish a national program for the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of, and research in, Cooley's anemia. COOLEY'S ANEMIA PROGRAMS Ante,

p. 137.

SEC. 3. Title X I of the Public Health Service Act is amended by adding after section 1106 the following: " P A R T B—COOLEY'S A N E M I A PROGRAMS "COOLEY'S ANEMIA SCREENING, TREATMENT, AND COUNSELING, RESEARCH, AND INFORMATION AND EDUCATION PROGRAMS

"SEC. 1111. (a)(1) The Secretary may make grants to public and nonprofit private entities, and may enter into contracts with public and private entities, for projects for the establisliment and operation, primarily through other existing health programs, of Cooley's anemia screening, treatment, and counseling programs. " (2) The Secretary may make grants to public and nonprofit private entities, and may enter into contracts with public and private entities and individuals, for projects for research in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of Cooley's anemia, including projects for the development of effective and inexpensive tests which will identify those who have the disease or carry the trait. "(3) The Secretary shall carry out a program to develop information and educational materials relating to Cooley's anemia and to disseminate such information and materials to persons providing health care and to the public generally. The Secretary may carry out such program through grants to public and nonprofit private entities or contracts with public and private entities and individuals.