Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 86.djvu/503

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[86 STAT. 461]
PUBLIC LAW 92-000—MMMM. DD, 1972
[86 STAT. 461]

86 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 92-347-JULY 11, 1972


"(e) Except as otherwise provided by law or as may be required by ^J^^ disposilawful contracts entered into prior to September 3, 1964, providing that revenues collected at particular Federal areas shall be credited to specific purposes, all fees collected shall be covered into a special account in the Treasury of the United States to be administered in conjunction with, but separate from, the revenues in the Land and Water Conservation Fund. Revenues in the special account shall be available for appropriation, without prejudice to appropriations from other sources for the same purposes, for any authorized outdoor recreation function of the agency by which the fees were collected: Provided, • -w. ^; however, That not more than forty per centum of the amount so credited may be appropriated during the five fiscal years following the enactment of this Act for the enhancement of the fee collection system established by this section, including the promotion and enforcement thereof. "(f) Nothing in this Act shall authorize Federal hunting or fishing licenses or fees or charges for commercial or other activities not related to recreation, nor shall it affect any rights or authority of the States with respect to fish and wildlife, nor shall it repeal or modify any pro-., vision of law that permits States or political subdivisions to share in the revenues from Federal lands or any provision of law that provides that any fees or charges collected at particular Federal areas shall be used for or credited to specific purposes or special funds as authorized by that provision of law, " (g) Periodic reports indicating the number and location of fee to'^^n'^^esIfonLi collection areas^ the number and location of potential fee collection committees. areas, capacity and visitation information, the fees collected, and other pertinent data, shall be coordinated and compiled by the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation and transmitted to the Committees on Interior and Insular Affairs of the United States House of Representatives and United States Senate. Such reports, which shall be transmitted no later than March 31 annually, shall include any recommendations which the Bureau may have with respect to improving this aspect of the land and water conservation fund program." SEC. 3. (a) The Secretary of the Interior may establish and collect iJ^iHf^ foya\! use or royalty fees for the manufacture, reproduction, or use of "The ties. Golden Eagle Insignia", originated by the Department of the Interior and announced in the December 3, 1970, issue of the Federal Register (35 Federal Register 18376) as the official symbol for Federal recrea- ^3 CFR Part is. tion areas d e s i ^ a t e d for recreation fee collection. Any fees collected pursuant to this subsection shall be covered into the Land and Water Conservation Fund. (b) Chapter 33 of title 18 of the United States Code is amended by 82"tltf'2/if' adding the following new section thereto: 84 Stat. 87o! 1Q TTQp

Ǥ 715. *The Golden Eagle Insignia' "As used in this section, 'The Golden Eagle Insignia' means the words 'The Golden Eagle' and the representation of an American Golden Eagle (colored gold) and a family group (colored midnight blue) enclosed within a circle (colored white with a midnight blue border) framed by a rounded triangle (colored gold with a midnight blue border) which was originated by the Department of the Interior as the official symbol for Federal recreation fee areas. "Whoever, except as authorized under rules and regulations issued by the Secretary of the Interior, knowingly manufactures, reproduces, or uses 'The Golden Eagle Insignia', or any facsimile thereof, in such a manner as is likely to cause confusion, or to cause mistake, or to deceive, shall be fined not more than $250 or imprisoned not more than six months, or both.


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