Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 86.djvu/297

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[86 STAT. 255]
PUBLIC LAW 92-000—MMMM. DD, 1972
[86 STAT. 255]

86 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 92-318-JUNE 23, 1972


of such persons in all the States. The remainder of the sums so appropriated shall be apportioned among the States by the Commissioner in accordance with equitable criteria which he shall establish and which shall be designed to achieve a distribution of the sums so appropriated among the States which will most effectively carry out the purpose of this subpart, except that where any State's apportionment under the first sentence for a fiscal year is less than its allotment under the first sentence of section 401(b) of this Act for the fiscal ^"'®' P* '^'^'^• year ending June 30, 1972, before he makes any other apportionments under this sentence, the Commissionei" shall apportion sufficient additional sums to such State under this sentence to make the State's apportionment for that year under this paragraph equal to its allotment for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1972, under such first sentence. Sums apportioned to a State under the preceding sentence shall be consolidation, consolidated with, and become a part of, its apportionment from the same appropriation under the first sentence of this paragraph. " (B) If the Commissioner determines that the sums apportioned to Excess, reany State under subparagraph (A) for any fiscal year exceed the ^ppo'^onmem. aggregate of the amounts that he determines to be required under subsection (b) for that fiscal year for institutions of higher education in that State, the Commissioner shall reapportion such excess, from time to time, on such date or dates as he shall fix, to other States in such manner as the Commissioner determines will best assist in achieving the purposes of this subpart. "(2) Sums appropriated pursuant to section 413A(b)(2) for any fiscal year shall be apportioned among the States in such manner as the Commissioner determines will best achieve the purposes for which such sums were appropriated. "(b)(1)(A) The Commissioner shall, from time to time, set dates before which institutions in any State must file applications for allocation, to such institutions, of supplemental grant funds from the apportionment to that State (including any reapportionment thereto) for any fiscal year pursuant to subsection (a)(1). " (B)(i) From the sums apportioned (or reapportioned) to any State, the Commissioner shall allocate amounts to institutions which have submitted applications pursuant to subparagraph (A). "(ii) Allocations under division (i) by the Commissioner to such institutions shall be made in accordance with equitable criteria established by the Commissioner by regulation. Such criteria shall be designed to achieve such distribution of supplemental grant funds among such institutions within a State as will most effectively carry out the purposes of this subpart. "(2) The Commissioner shall, in accordance with regulations, allocate to such institutions in any State, from funds apportioned or reapportioned pursuant to subsection (a)(2), funds to be used as the supplemental grants specified in section 413A(b)(2). " (3) Payments shall be made from allocations under this subsection as needed. "Subpart 3—Grants to States for State Student Incentives "PURPOSE; APPROPRTATIOXS AUTHORIZED

"SEC. 415A. (a) I t is the purpose of this subpart to make incentive grants available to the States to assist them in providing grants to eligible students in attendance at institutions of higher education. " (b)(1) There are hereby authorized to be appropriated $50,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1973, and for each of the succeeding fiscal years ending prior to July 1, 1975, for payments to the States for giants to students who have not pieviously been awarded such grants.