Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 86.djvu/200

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[86 STAT. 158]
PUBLIC LAW 92-000—MMMM. DD, 1972
[86 STAT. 158]

158 Research and development.

PUBLIC LAW 92-304-MAY 19, 1972

[86 STAT.

(a) For "Researcli and development," for the following programs: (j)

A p o l l o, $128,700,000;

(2) Space flight operations, $1,094,200,000; (3) Advanced missions, $1,500,000; (4) Physics and astronomy, $156,600,000; (5) Lunar and planetary exploration, $321,200,000; (6) Launch vehicle procurement, $191,600,000; (7) Space applications, $207,200,000; (8) Aeronautical research and technology, $187,440,000; (9) Space research and technology, $64,760,000; (10) Nuclear power and propulsion, $21,100,000; (11) Tracking and data acquisition, $259,100,000; (12) Techiiolog_7 utilization, $4,000,000. fa^mle'sT""" °^ (b) For "Construction of facilities," including land acquisitions, as follows: (1) Rehabilitation and modification of aeronautical airborne '• science, and support facilities, Ames Research Center, $1,065,000; (2) Rehabilitation of Unitary Plan wdnd tunnel model supports, control systems, and model preparation areas, Ames Research Center, $760,000; (3) Rehabilitation and modification of utility systems, Godda,rd Space Flight Center, $590,000; (4) Rehabilitation and modification of roadway system, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, $610,000; (5) Modifijcations of, and additions to, spacecraft assembly facilities, Kennedy Space Center, $8,100,000; (6) Modification of Titan Centaur facilities, Kennedy Space Center, $2,040,000; (7) Rehabilitation of full-scale wind tunnel, Langley Research Centej, $2,465,000; (8) Modification of central air supply system, Langley Research Center, $1,175,000; (9) Environmental modifications for utility operations, Langley Research Center, $650,000; (10) Modification of high temperature and high pressure turbine and combustor research facility, Lewis Research Center, $9,710,000; (11) Modification of fire protection system, Manned Spacecraft Center, $585,000; (12^ Warehouse replacement, Wallops Station, $350,000; (13) Space shuttle facilities, as follows: (A) Modification of Altitude Test Facilities, Arnold Engineering Development Center, $6,800,000, (B) Rehabilitation of Propellant and High Pressure Gaseous Systems, Mississippi Test Facility, $1,160,000, (C) Modification of the Entry Structures Facility, Langley Research Center, $1,635,000, (D) Addition for Systems Integration and Mockup Laboratory, Manned Spacecraft Center, $2,545,000, (E) Modification of the Vibration and Acoustic Test Facility, Manned Spacecraft Center, $2,770,000, (F) Modification of the Structures and Mechanics Laboratory, Marshall Space Flight Center, $4,700,000,