Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 86.djvu/1440

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[86 STAT. 1398]
PUBLIC LAW 92-000—MMMM. DD, 1972
[86 STAT. 1398]


PUBLIC LAW 92-603-OCT. 30, 1972

[86 STAT.

adjusted average per capita costs incurred (as defined herein), and other evidence acceptable to the Secretary and one-half of any amounts deemed payable to such organization or the Trust Funds shall be paid by such organization or the Secretary as appropriate; " ( II) final settlement and payment by the Secretary or organization, as appropriate, of any additional amounts due on basis of such final settlement will be made where adequate data for actuarial computation are available, in timely fashion following submission by such organization of reports specified in subparagraph (C) of this paragraph; and " ( III) where such final settlement is reached more than 90 days following submission of reports specified in subpararaph (C) of this paragraph, any amount payable by the ecretary or organization shall be increased by an interest amount, accruing from the 91st day following submission of such report, equal to the average rate of interest payable on Federal obligations if issued on such 91st day for purchase by the Trust Funds, "(iv) The term 'adjusted average per capita cost' means the average per capita amount that the Secretary determines (on the basis of actual experience, or retrospective actuarial equivalent based upon an adequate sample and other information and data, in the geographic area served by a health maintenance organization or in a similar area, with appropriate adjustment to assure actuarial equivalence, including adjustments relating to age distribution, sex, race, institutional status, disability status, and any other relevant factors) would be payable in any contract year for services covered under this title and types of expenses otherwise reimbursable under this title (including administrative costs incurred by organizations described in sections 1816 and 1842) if such services were to be furnished by other than such health maintenance organization. " (B) With respect to any health maintenance organization which has entered into a reasonable cost reimbursement contract with the Secretary pursuant to subsection (i)(2)(B), payments made to such organization shall be subject to suitable retroactive corrective adjustments at the end of each contract year so as to assure that such organization is paid for the reasonable cost actually incurred (excluding therefrom any part of incurred cost found to be unnecessary in the efficient delivery of health services) for the types of expenses otherwise reimbursable under this title for providing services covered under this title to individuals described in paragraph (1).


"Adjusted average per capita cost.*'

79 Stat. 297; Post, p. 1449. 42 USC 1395h, 1395U. Retroactive corrective adjustments.

" (C) Any contract with a health maintenance organization under this title shall provide that the Secretary shall require, at such time following the expiration of each accounting period of a health maintenance organization (and in such form and in such detail) as he may prescribe: " (i) that such health maintenance organization report to him in an independently certified financial statement its per capita incurred cost based on the types and components of expenses otherwise reimbursable under this title for providing services described in paragraph (1), including therein, in accordance with accounting procedures prescribed by the Secretary, its methods of allocating costs between individuals enrolled under this section and other individuals enrolled with such organization; " (ii) that failure to report such information as may be required may be deemed to constitute evidence of likely overpayment on the basis of which appropriate collection action may be taken;