Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 86.djvu/1221

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[86 STAT. 1179]
PUBLIC LAW 92-000—MMMM. DD, 1972
[86 STAT. 1179]

86 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 92-565-OCT. 25, 1972


the preparation and publication of the "History of Public Works in the United States From 1776 to 1976"j so that future generations may benefit from a comprehensive review of public works in perspective—^the project to be conducted over the next five years from the association's Washington office, located appropriately at 1776 Massachusetts Avenue Northwest; and Whereas there is a need for such a publication as the development of public works is of vital importance to the growth and development of the United States and the quality of life of its citizens; and Whereas the American Public Works Association intends to draw on the resources of other interested and responsible groups in carrying out this important project; and "Whereas it is to be conducted by a competent staff with an editorial review board to assure its accuracy and appropriateness, on a nonprofit basis, resulting in no monetary benefit to the American Public Works Association or to any individual, but undertaken strictly as a public service to develop a meaningful and accurate history which would be available to the young people of our country, educational institutions, and others: Now, therefore, be it Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Co'ngress assembled, That all public works ^\^c°work "'^' oriented agencies of the Federal Government, the Library of Congress, ^"prepJ^atio^m and the appropriate congressional committees be requested to cooperate in carrying this important project forward. Approved October 25, 1972.

•Public Law 92-565 JOINT RESOLUTION October 25, 1972 Granting the consent of Congress to certain boundary agreements between the ^'?'—11L-—L States of Maryland and Virginia.

AVhereas, by virtue of chapter 357 of the Maryland Laws of 1969, and of chapter 198 of the Acts of Assembly of 1968 of the General Assembly of Virginia, the Maryland Geological Survey and the Marine Resources Commission of Virginia were authorized to establish, mark, and identify the seven-mile portion of the MarylandVirginia boundary line in Upper Pocomoke Sound in an acceptable engineering manner; and Whereas, pursuant to said acts the Maryland Geological Survey and the Marine Resources Commission of Virginia did agree upon a mutually acceptable boundary line; and Whereas, by virtue of chapter 210 of the Maryland Laws of 1970, and of chapter 315 of the Acts of Assembly of 1970 of the General Assembly of Virginia, said agreement has been ratified and confirmed by the legislatures of the States of Maryland and Virginia, respectively, both of said acts having established and described said boundary line as follows: Beginning at a point which is corner D defined by latitude 37 degrees 56 minutes 23,00 seconds and longitude 75 degrees 45 minutes 43.56 seconds; which is the last point on the MarylandVirginia Line that was defined by the "Joint Report of Engineers on Relocating and Remarking Maryland-Virginia Boundary Line Across Tangier and Pocomoke Sounds December 1916"; thence running north 73 degrees 34 minutes 31.9 seconds east about 17,125.11 feet to corner H a point defined by latitude 37 degrees 57 minutes 15.82 seconds and longitude 75 degrees 42 minutes 18.48 seconds;

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