Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 85.djvu/450

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[85 STAT. 420]
PUBLIC LAW 92-000—MMMM. DD, 1971
[85 STAT. 420]

420 Apportionment to States,

76 Stat. 944. 42 USC 1753. Report to Congre s s.

80 Stat. 886; 84 Stat. 208. 42 USC 1773, 1774. Reimbursement rate, 42 USC 1759a.


Eligibility standards. 60 Stat. 233; 84 Stat. 210. 42 USC 1758.

Transfer of funds. 49 Stat. 774. 7 USC 612c.

PUBLIC LAW 92-153-NOV. 5, 1971

[85 STAT.

purposes of said section 32, SEC. 2. Funds made available by this joint resolution shall be apportioned to the States in such manner as will best enable schools to meet their obligations with respect to the service of free and reduced price lunches and to meet the objective of this joint resolution with respect to providing a minimum rate of reimbursement under section 4 of the National School Lunch Act, and such funds shall be apportioned and paid as expeditiously as may be practicable. SEC. 3. The Secretary of Agriculture shall immediately upon enactment of this resolution determine and report to Congress the needs for additional funds to carry out the school breakfast and nonfood assistance programs authorized by sections 4 and 5 of the Child Nutrition Act of 1966 during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1972, at levels which Avill permit expansion of the school breakfast and school lunch programs to all schools desiring such programs as rapidly as practicable. SEC. 4. Section 11(e) of the National School Lunch Act is amended by inserting the following immediately after "the full cost of such lunches": "but in no event shall such amounts be less than an amount determined by— " (1) multiplying the number of meals served free in the school during such year by 40 cents or the cost per meal of providing such meals, whichever is less, and •'(2) multiplying the number of meals served at a reduced price in the school during such year by 40 cents or the cost per meal of providing such meals less the highest reduced price charged, whichever is less: Provided, however, That any school which requires a greater amount of reimbursement per meal served free or at a reduced price in order to fulfill the requirements of section 9 of this Act shall receive such greater amount if it can establish to the satisfaction of the State agency that it would otherwise be financially unable to support the service of such meals. The maximum per meal amount established by the Secretary shall in no event be less than 40 cents; and the Secretary shall establish a higher maximum per meal amount for especially needy schools based on such schools' need for assistance in providing free and reduced price lunches for all needy children." SEC. 5. Section 9 of the National School Lunch Act is amended by inserting after "July 1 of such year" the following: ": Provided, hoioevei\ That during fiscal year 1972 such guidelines shall be considered only as a national minimum standard of eligibility^ and the Secretary shall reimburse during such fiscal year State agencies and local school authorities for free and reduced cost meals served pursuant to eligibility standards established by State agencies prior to October 1, 1971". SEC. 6. The Secretary shall not lower minimum standards of eligibility for free and reduced price meals nor require a reduction in the number of children served in any school district during a fiscal year to be effective for that fiscal year. This section shall apply to fiscal year 1972. Skc. 7. In addition to any other authority given to the Secretary he is hereby authorized to transfer funds from section 32 of the Act of August 24, 1935, for the purpose of assisting schools which demonstrate a need for additional funds in the school breakfast program. Approved November 5, 1971.