Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 85.djvu/254

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[85 STAT. 224]
PUBLIC LAW 92-000—MMMM. DD, 1971
[85 STAT. 224]


PUBLIC LAW 92-75-AUG. 10, 1971

[85 STAT.

(b) Amounts allocated to a State shall be available for obligation by that State for a period of three years following the date of allocation. Funds unobligated by the State at the expiration of the three-year period shall be withdrawn by the Secretary and shall be available with other funds to be allocated by the Secretary during that fiscal year. (c) Funds available to the Secretary which have not been allocated at the end of a fiscal year shall be carried forward as part of the total allocation funds for the next fiscal year for which appropriations are authorized by this Act, DETERMINATION OF STATE F U N D S E X P E N D E D

SEC. 29. In accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary computation by a State of funds expended or obligated for the boatingsafety program shall include the acquisition, maintenance, and operating costs of facilities, equipment, and supplies; personnel salaries and reimbursable expenses; the costs of training personnel; public boat safety education; the costs of administering the program; and other expenses which the Secretary considers appropriate. The Secretary shall determine any issues which arise in connection with such computation. AUTHORIZATION FOR APPROPRIATIONS FOR STATE BOATING SAFETY PROGRAMS

SEC. 30. For the pui"pose of providing financial assistance for State boating safety programs there is authorized to be appropriated $7,500,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1972, and $7,500,000 for each of the four succeeding fiscal years, such appropriations to remain available until expended. PAYMENTS

SEC. 31. (a) Amounts allocated under section 27 of this Act shall he computed and paid to the States as follows: (1) During the first three fiscal years that funds are available the Secretary shall schedule the initial payment to each State at the earliest possible time after application and compliance with subsection 27(b) of this Act. (2) For fiscal years after the third fiscal year for which funds are available, the Secretary shall determine during the last quarter of a fiscal year, on the basis of computations made pursuant to section 29 of this Act and submitted by the States, the percentage of the funds available for the next fiscal year to which each eligible State shall be entitled. Notice of the percentage and of the dollar amount, if it can then be determined, for each State shall be furnished to the States at the earliest practicable time. If the Secretary finds that an amount made available to a State for a prior year is greater or less than the amount which should have been made available to that State for the prior year, because of later or more accurate State expenditure information, the amount for the current fiscal year may be increased or decreased by the appropriate amount. (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Secretary shall schedule the payment of funds consistent with the program purposes and applicable Treasury regulations, so as to minimize the time elapsing between the transfer of funds from the United States Treasury and the subsequent disbursement thereof by a State.