Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 84 Part 2.djvu/856

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[84 STAT. 2186]
PUBLIC LAW 91-000—MMMM. DD, 1970
[84 STAT. 2186]

2186 June 11, 1970 [S. Con. R e s. 66] Printing of additional c o p i e s.

June 11, 1970 [H. Con. R e s. 580] Printing of additional c o p i e s.

June 18, 1970 [S. Con R e s. 70] Printing a s Senate document; additional c o p i e s.

June 26, 1970 [H. Con. R e s. 573]


[84 STAT.


Resolved by the Senate {the House of Representatives concurring)^ That there be printed for the use of the Aeronautical and Space Sciences Committee six thousand additional copies of its hearings held during the Ninety-first Congress, second session, on space program benefits. Agreed to June 11, 1970.


Resolved by the House of Representatives {the Senate concurring) ^ That there shall be printed for the use of the Select Committee on Crime of the House of RepresentatiA-es twenty-five thousand additional copies of House Report Numbered 978 of the Ninety-first Congress, second session, entitled "Marihuana". P a s s e d June 11, 1970.

BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE AMERICAN CONGRESS Resolved by the Senate {the House of Representatives concurring) ^ That there shall be compiled and printed, with illustrations, as a Senate document, in such style and form as may be directed by the Joint Committee on Printing, a revised edition of the Biographical Directory of the American Congress up to and including the Ninety-first Congress (1774-1970); and that six thousand four hundred and thirtyfive additional copies shall be printed, of which one thousand five hundred and forty-five copies shall be for the use of the Senate, four thousand three hundred and ninety copies for the use of the House of Representatives, and five hundred copies for the use of the Joint Committee on Printing. SEC. 2. There is hereby authorized to be appropriated for the Joint Committee on Printing such sums as may be necessary for the employment of personnel and the payment of expenses to carry out the provisions of this resolution. Agreed to June 18, 1970.


Resolved by the House of Representatives {the Senate concurri^ig), That the Congress sends congratulations and greetings to The Ohio State University on the occasion of the one hundredth anniversary of its founding, and extends the hope of the people of the United States that The Ohio State University will continue to grow and prosper in centuries to come. P a s s e d June 26, 1970.