Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 84 Part 2.djvu/832

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[84 STAT. 2162]
PUBLIC LAW 91-000—MMMM. DD, 1970
[84 STAT. 2162]


PRIVATE LAW 91-215-DEC. 22, 1970 Private Law 91-215

[84 STAT.

  • AN ACT

December 22, 1970

[H. R. 12962] phlT'^'re*" °* 8Vscif8^2"

Fill- tlu' relief ot Maureen O'Leary Fimpare. Be It enavted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assemhhd, That, not-\vithstanding the provision of section 212(a) (23) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, Maureen (3'Leary Pimpare may be issued a visa and admitted to the United States for permanent residence if she is found to be otherwise admissible under the provisions of that Act: Provided, That this exemption shall apply only to a ground for exclusion of which the Department of State or the Department of Justice had knowledge prior to the enactment of this Act. Approved December 22, 1970. ^^

Private Law 91-216 December 23, 1970 [H. R. 7830]

J a m e s H. G'iffin. 5 0 Stat. 307, 45 USC 228a.

AN ACT For the relief of James Howard Giffin. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That, notwithstanding any contrary provision of the Eailroad Retirement Act of 1937, as amended (45 U.S.C., cli. 9; 49 Stat. 967-974, as amended), the Railroad Retirement Board is authorized and directed to determine and certify to the Secretary of the Treasury the aggregate amount of annuity which would have been payable under such Act to James Howard GiiRn, of Bainbridge, Ohio (R.R.B. No. A-572441), for the period beginning on the earliest date for which he could (upon filing application therefor) have become entitled to an annuity under such Act and ending with the date with respect to which he first commenced to receive an annuity under such Act; and the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized and directed to pay to the said James Howard Giffin (out of the Railroad Retirement Account in the Treasury) an amount equal to the amount so certified by such Board. Approved December 23, 1970.

Private Law 91-217 December 23, 1970

AN ^A ^ T vC i

[H. R. 9488]

For the relief of Mrs. Ruth Brunner.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Ruth Brunner. United States of America in Congress assembled, That, notwithstandAnt^, p. 1578. ing the limitations of section 3010 of title 38 of the United States Code or of any other statute of limitations, the claim filed in 1959 by Ruth Brunner as the widow of Harry Brunner, also known as Henry Brunner ( X C 857314), shall be held and considered to be a valid and timely claim for such benefits and shall be considered and, if found meritorious, paid in accordance with otherwise applicable law. Approved December 23, 1970. _, .OTor J ^ -