Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 84 Part 2.djvu/818

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[84 STAT. 2148]
PUBLIC LAW 91-000—MMMM. DD, 1970
[84 STAT. 2148]


PRIVATE LAW 91-182-OCT. 21, 1970

[84 STAT.

1.60 acres of said lot 63; thence easterly along said southerly line, to a point in a line parallel with and distant 200 feet easterly, measured at rig-ht angles, from said center line; thence northerly along last said parallel line 750.29 feet to a point in said northerly line of Lot 65; thence westerly along said northerly line, to the point of beginning. SEC. 3. (a) Nothing in this Act shall— (1) diminish the right-of-way referred to in the first section of this Act to a width less than fifty feet on each side of the center of the main track or tracks established and maintained by the Southern Pacific Company on the date of the enactment of this Act; or (2) validate or confirm any right or title to, or interest in, the land referred to in the first section of this Act arising out of adverse possession, prescription, or abandonment, and not confirmed by conveyance made by the Southern Pacific Company before the date of the enactment of this Act. (b) There is reserved to the United States all oil, coal, or other minerals in the land referred to in the first section of this Act, together with the right to prospect for, mine, and remove such oil, coal, or other minerals under such rules and regulations as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe. Approved October 16, 1970.

Private Law 91-182 October 21, 1970

[H. R. 2043] Keum J a 79 Stat. 917 8 USC 1101.

8 USC 1154.

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For the relief of Keum Ja Franks. Be it enacted by the Seriate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That, in the administration of the Immigration and Nationality Act, Keum J a Franks may be classified as a child within the meaning of section 101(b)(1)(F) of the Act, upon approval of a petition filed in her behalf by James and Shirley Franks, citizens of the United States, pursuant to section 204 of ^i-^e ^Q^. Provided, That the brothers or sisters of the beneficiary shall not, by virtue of such relationship, be accorded any right, privilege, or status under the Immigration and Nationality Act. Approved October 21, 1970.

Private Law 91-183 AN ACT October 21, 1970

[H. R. 13601]

McNary Dam °c^nl'e'yanc7.^

To release and convey the reversionary interest of the United States in certain real property known as the McNary Dam Townsite, Umatilla County, Oregon. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Sttttcs of Anwrica in Congress assembled, That the reversion'^I'J interest of the United States in that tract of land comprising 344.15 acres, more or less, known as the McNary Dam Townsite, lying in sections 10,11,14, and 15, township 5 north, range 28 east, Willamette meridian, Umatilla County, Oregon, heretofore conveyed by the United States to the Confederated Tribes of Umatilla Reservation in Oregon and reconveyed by the tribes to Robert and Marcia Schultz and William and Lynette Schultz under authority of the Act of August 28, 1957 (71 Stat. 468), is hereby released and conveyed to the owners of record, such release and conveyance to be effective upon the proof of payment of $50,800 to the Treasury of the United States. Approved October 21, 1970. (s.m s«