Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 84 Part 2.djvu/815

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[84 STAT. 2145]
PUBLIC LAW 91-000—MMMM. DD, 1970
[84 STAT. 2145]

84 STAT. ]

PRIVATE LAW 91-181-OCT. 16, 1970


Commencing at an axle at the southwest corner of said lot 34; thence north 87 degrees 07 minutes east along the south line of said lot 34, 50.39 feet to an iron pipe; thence north 4 degrees 16 minutes east parallel with and distant 50 feet easterly from the west line of said lot 34, 350 feet to an iron pipe and the true point of beginning; thence north 4 degrees 16 minutes east 36.9 feet to a point, said point being south 4 degrees 16 minutes west 70 feet from the northwest corner of that parcel of land described in deed of trust from W. Leiske, et ux, recorded June 4, 1947, in Book of Official Records, volume 1056, page 307, San Joaquin County Records; thence south 85 degrees 50 minutes 31 seconds east 161.88 feet to a point in the east line of said lot 34, said point ibeing south 4 degrees 16 minutes west 70 feet from the northeast corner of that parcel of land described in the deed of trust described above (in Book of Official Records, volume 1056, page 307); thence south 4 decrees 16 minutes west, along the east line of said lot 34,16.9 feet to an iron pipe, said pipe being north 4 degrees 16 minutes east 350 feet from the southeast corner of said lot 34; thence south 87 degrees 07 minutes west, parallel with said south line, 163.15 feet to the true point of beginning. Also except the west 5 feet as conveyed to the city of Lodi by deed recorded January 24, 1958, in 13ook of Official Records, volume 2036, page 298, San Joaquin County Records. ft.!->.h^^ - .

Parcel VII



Lot 1 of tract numbered 455 Salas Tract, according to the Official Map thereof filed in volume 14 of Maps, at page 91, San Joaquin County Records. (14) The conveyance entered into between the Southern Pacific Company, grantor, and Fred Spiekerman, grantee, on September 1, 1966, and recorded on Ajjril 19, 1967, volume 3118, pa^e 321, of Official Records of San Joaquin County, California, describing the following lands: That certain parcel of land situate in the cit^- of Lodi, county of San Joaquin, State of California, described as follows: The north 2.95 acres of lot 34 of Larson's Addition to Lodi, according to the Official Map thereof filed in volume 2 of Maps, page 10, San Joaquin County Records. Except the north 200 feet of the east 184 feet of said lot 34 as described in deed to the Lodi Natural Gas Company, recorded December 5, 1906, in Book " A " of Deeds, volume 159, page 43, San Joaquin County Records. Also except the west 50 feet as described in deed to the city of Lodi, recorded September 3, 1936 in Book of Official Records, volume 538, page 493, San Joaquin County Records. Also except the east 5 feet of the west 55 feet as described in the deed to the city of Lodi, recorded January 24, 1958 in Book of Official Records, volume 2036, page 300, San Joaquin County Records. Also except that portion described in deed to Hyman Berebitsky, et ux, recorded November 30, 1959 in Book of Official Records, volume 2240, page 498, San Joaquin Records. (15) The conveyance entered into between the Southern Pacific Company, grantor, and Spiekerman Concrete Pipe Company, a California corporation, grantee, of October 1, 1966, and recorded on April 19, 1967, volume 3118, page 323, of Official Records of San Joaquin County, California, describing the following lands: