Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 84 Part 2.djvu/412

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[84 STAT. 1742]
PUBLIC LAW 91-000—MMMM. DD, 1970
[84 STAT. 1742]

1742 Priority system.

Cost, Federal s h a r e, limitation. Appropriation.

Applicability. 60 Stat. 847.

Annual report.

PUBLIC LAW 91-605-DEC. 31, 1970

[84 STAT.

"(b) The Secretary in consultation with the States shall (1) inventory all bridges located on any of the Federal-aid systems over waterways and other tojwgraphical barriers of the United States; (2) classify them according to their serviceability, safety, and essentiality for public use; and (3) based on that classification, assign each a priority for replacement. "(c) Whenever any State or States make application to the Secretary for assistance in replacing a bridge which the priority system, established under subsection (b) of this section, show-s to be eligible, the Secretary may approve Federal participation in the reconstruction of a comparable facility. In approving projects under this section, the Secretary shall give consideration to those projects which will remove from service bridges which are most in danger of failure and give consideration to the economy of the area involved. Approval of projects and allocation of funds under this section shall be without regard to allocation or apportionment formulas otherwise established under this title. " (d) The Federal share payable on account of any bridge replacement under this section shall not exceed 75 per centum of the cost thereof. "(e) For the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this section, there are hereby authorized to be appropriated out of the Highway Trust Fund, $100,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1972; and $150,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1973, to be available until expended. Such funds shall be available for obligation at the beginning of the fiscal year for which authorized in the same manner and to the same extent as if such funds were apportioned under this chapter. "(f) Notwithstanding any other provisions of law the General Bridge Act of 1946 (33 U.S.C. 525-533) shall apply to bridges authorized to be reconstructed and bridges constructed to replace unsafe bridges under this section. " (g) The Secretary shall report annually on projects approved under this section with any recommendations he may have for further miprovement in the special bridge replacement program authorized in accordance with this section." (b) The analysis of chapter 1 of title 23, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end thereof the following: "144. Special bridge replacement program." RAIL

Ante, p. 1723.

79 Stat. 8 9 3.

Cost, Federal share.


SEC. 205. (a) Chapter 3 of title 23, United States Code, is further amended by adding after section 321 the following new section: "§ 322. Demonstration project—rail crossings " (a) The Secretary sihall carry out a demonstration project for the elimination of all public ground-level rail-highway crossings along the route of the high-speed ground transportation demonstration projects between Washington, District of Columbia, and Boston, Massachusetts, conducted under authority of the Act entitled 'An Act to authorize the Secretary of Commerce to undertake research and development in high-speed ground transportation, and for other purposes', approved September 30, 1965 (49 U.S.C. 1631 et seq.). "(b) the Secretary shall carry out a demonstration project for the elimination or protection of certain public ground-leveJ rail-highway crossings in, or in the vicinity of. Greenwood, South Carolina. "(c)(1) If the highway involved is on any Federal-aid system, the Federal share of the cost of such work shall be 90 per centum and the railroad's share of such cost shall be 10 per centum.