Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 84 Part 2.djvu/373

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[84 STAT. 1703]
PUBLIC LAW 91-000—MMMM. DD, 1970
[84 STAT. 1703]



PUBLIC LAW 91-604-DEC. 31, 1970

" (3) Data relied upon by the Board and the xVdministrator in determining that a vehicle is a certified low-emission vehicle shall be incorporated in any contract for the procurement of such vehicle. " (f) The procuring agency shall be required to purchase available certified low-emission vehicles which are eligible for purchase to the extent they are available before purchasing any other vehicles for which any low-emission vehicle is a certified substitute. I n making purchasing selections between competing eligible certified low-emission vehicles, the procuring agency shall give priority to (1) any class or model which does not require extensive periodic maintenance to retain its low-polluting qualities or which does not require the use of fuels which are more expensive than those of the classes or models of vehicles for which it is a certified substitute; and (2) passenger vehicles other than buses. " (g) For the purpose of procuring certified low-emission vehicles any statutory price limitations shall be waived. " (h) The Administrator shall, from time to time as the Board deems appropriate, test the emissions from certified low-emission vehicles purchased by the Federal Government. If at any time he finds that the emission rates exceed the rates on which certification under this section was based, the Administrator shall notify the Board. Thereupon the Board shall give the supplier of such vehicles written notice of this finding, issue public notice of it, and give the supplier an opportunity to make necessary repairs, adjustments, or replacements. If no such repairs, adjustments, or replacements are made within a period to be set by the Board, the Board may order the supplier to show cause why the vehicle involved should be eligible for recertification. "(i) There are authorized to be appropriated for paying additional amounts for motor vehicles pursuant to, and for carrying out the provisions of, this section, $5,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1971, and $25,000,000 for each of the two succeeding fiscal years. " (j) The Board shall promulgate the procedures required to implement this section within one hundred and eighty days after the date of enactment of the Clean A i r Amendments of 1970." (d)(1) Paragraph (1) of section 213 of the Clean Air Act (as so redesignated by section 8) is amended by inserting "202," immediately before "203,". (2) Paragraph (3) of such section 213 is amended by striking out "The" and inserting in lieu thereof "Except with respect to vehicles or engines imjDorted or offered for importation, the"; and by adding before the period at the end thereof "; and with respect to imported vehicles or engines, such terms mean a motor vehicle and engine, respectively, manufactured after the effective date of a regulation issued under section 202 which is applicable to such vehicle or engine (or which would be applicable to such vehicle or engine had it been manufactured for importation into the United States)".





p. 1694.


p. 1690,,


SEC. 11. (a)(1) Title II of the Clean Air Act is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new part:

81 Stat. 4 9 9. 42 USC 1857f"l.


"SEC. 231. (a)(1) Within 90 days after the date of enactment of the Clean A i r Amendments of 1970, the Administrator shall commence a study and investigation of emissions of air pollutants from aircraft in order to determine—
