Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 84 Part 2.djvu/319

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[84 STAT. 1649]
PUBLIC LAW 91-000—MMMM. DD, 1970
[84 STAT. 1649]

84 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 91-598-DEC. 30, 1970

claims of such single and separate class of creditors, the creditors of such class shall be entitled, to the extent only of their respective unpaid balances, to share in the general estate with general creditors. In, or for the purpose of, distributing such fund, all property other than cash shall be valued as of the close of business on the filing date. To the greatest extent considered practicable by the trustee, the trustee shall deliver in payment of claims of customer's for their net equities based upon securities held on the filing date in their accounts (after giving effect to open contractual commitments completed as hereinafter provided), securities of the same class and series of an issuer ratably up to the respective amounts which were so held in such accounts. Any property remaining after the liquidation of a lien or pledge made by a debtor shall be apportioned between his general estate and the single and separate fund in the proportion in which the general property of the debtor and the property of his customers contributed to such lien or pledge. (C)


shall return specifically identifiable property to the customers of the debtor, entitled thereto. No cash or securities at any time received, acquired, or held by or for the account of a debtor from or for the accounts of customers shall for the purposes of this paragraph be deemed to be specifically identified, unless such property remained in its identical form in the debtor's possession until the filing date, or unless such property was allocated to or physically set aside for such customers on the filing date. I n determining whether property was allocated to or physically set aside for such customers, it shall be sufficient that on the filing date: (i) securities are segregated individually, or in bulk for customers collectively; (ii) in the case of securities held for the account of the debtor as part of any central certificate service of any clearing corporation or any similar depositary— (I) the records of the debtor show or there is otherwise established to the satisfaction of the trustee that all or a specified part of the securities held by such clearing corporation or other similar depositary are held for specified customers, or for customers collectively, and ( II) such records of the debtor also show or there is otherwise established to the satisfaction of the trustee the identities of the particular customers entitled to receive specified numbers or units of such securities so held for customers collectively; or (iii) such property is held for the account of customers of the debtor in such other manner as the Commission, for the protection of customers and other creditors on a fair and equitable basis, by rule or regulation shall have determined to be sufficiently identifiable as the property of such customers. If there is any shortage in securities of the same class and series of an issuer so segregated in bulk or otherwise held for customers pursuant to this subparagraph, as compared to the aggregate rights of particular customers to receive securities of such class and series, the respective interests of such customers in such securities of such class and series shall