Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 84 Part 2.djvu/1182

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[84 STAT. A66]
PUBLIC LAW 91-000—MMMM. DD, 1970
[84 STAT. A66]



National Credit Union Administration: Fasre Consumer credit reporting, enforcement. 1135 Establishment 49 Inclusion in criminal code provisions 1016 National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund, creation 999 National Day of Prayer, 1970, proclamation 2250 National Day of Prayer and Thanksgiving, proclamation 2227 National Defense Education Act of 1958: Amendments— Consolidation of programs 192 Student loans for public service, cancellation 174 Appropriation for effecting provisions._ 33-36, 433, 801, 802, 1450 National Science Foundation, programs under, authorization of funds 471 Repeal of provisions 173, 174 National Defense Transportation Day and National Transportation Week, 1970, proclamation 2224 National Emergency, declaration, proclamation 2222 National Employ the Handicapped Week, designation 914 National Employ the Older Worker Week, designation 1589 National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week, 1970, proclamation 2244 National Endowment for the Arts, appointment of chairman 443 National Environmental Improvement Act of 1970, appropriation for effecting provisions 1454 National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, appropriation for effecting provisions 379, 1454 National Estuarine Pollution Study, printing as Senate document 2182 National Eye Institute, appropriation for. 31, 2009 National Farm-City Week, 1970, proclamation 2255 National Farm Safety Week, 1970, proclamation 2221 National Flag Week, 1970, Flag Day and, proclamation 2232 National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, appropriation for effecting provisions _ 1459 National Forest Products Week, 1970, proclamation 2255 National Forests: Carson National Forest, lands held in trust for Pueblo de Taos Indians, N. Mex 1437 Toiyabe National Forest, Nev., extension of boundaries 694 Wildnerness areas within, designation. _ 1106

National Foundation on the Arts and the Page Humanities, appropriation for 381, 402, 684 National Foundation on the Arls and the Humanities Act of 1965: Amendments— Extension of program 446 "Humanities", comparative religion; ethics, inclusion 443 National Endowment for the Arts, chairman, appointment 443 Appropriation for effecting provisions.. 381, 684 Repeal of provision 192 National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities Amendments of 1970 443 National Gallery of Art, appropriation for 685 National Guard: Air— Construction of facilities 1227 Military construction, appropriation for 1410 Operation and maintenance, appropriation for 2024 Personnel, appropriation for 2021 Selective Reserve, strength 908 Army— Construction of facilities 1227 Military construction appropriation for 1409 Operation and maintenance, appropriation for 2024 Personnel, appropriation for 2021 Selective Reserve, strength 908 National Heart and Lung Institute, appropriation for 2008 National Heart Institute, appropriation for 30 National Highway Institute, establishment 1723 National Highway Safety Bureau, LowEmission Vehicle Certification Board, member 1701 National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, establishment 1739 National Highway Week, 1970, proclamation 2236 National Hispanic Heritage Week, 1970, proclamation 2241 National Historical Publications, appropriation for grants 1446 National Housing Act. See Housing Act, National. National Industrial Pollution Control Council, appropriation for 1051 National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, establishment 1612