Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 84 Part 2.djvu/1166

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[84 STAT. A50]
PUBLIC LAW 91-000—MMMM. DD, 1970
[84 STAT. A50]




Housing Act of 1937, United States— Page Disaster areas, priority to applications Continued for public housing assistance Appropriation for effecting provisions. _ _ 1457, Housing and Urban Development, Department of: 1463 Disaster areas, priority to applications Alaska, urban renewal projects, authorfor public housing assistance 1758 ization of funds Relocation, repeal of provision 1903 American Revolution Bicentennial Housing Act of 1948: Commission, member Research authorities, repeal of proAppropriation for.__379, 395, 1456, 1462, visions 1785 College housing, appropriation for Technical amendments 776 Community Development Corporation, Housing Act of 1949: establishment Amendments— Disaster areas, loan adjustments; public Displaced business concerns, relocahousing assistance 1754, tion payments 1779 Displaced homeowners or t e n a n t s, asF a r m housing and related facilities 1805 sistance Monroe, Wis., urban renewal project, Domestic Council, member grant-in-aid 1780 Family housing a t military installations. Stanton, Tex., release of city from Federal Housing Administration, approject obligations 1779 propriation for Surplus Federal lands, sale to local Federal Insurance Administration, apu r b a n renewal agencies, expenses. 1777 propriation for 395, Urban renewal grant authoritj^ 1776 General provisions. Appropriation Act._ Urban renewal projects, early closeout Housing and Urban Development Act of 1779 of 1970 Appropriation for effecting provisions. __ 1456, Low r e n t public housing, appropriation for 1493, 1494 Relocation, repeal of provision 1903 Mobile homes, veterans, loans Housing Act of 1950, Amendments, college National Housing Act. See separate housing, g r a n t authorization 463, 1777 title. Housing Act of 1954: Replacement housing, construction unAmendments— der Federal-aid highway program; Technical 1758 interest payments 1724, Urban planning, g r a n t s; development R u r a l development, report of growth p a t t e r n s 1780, 1803, 1804 Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Appropriation for effecting provisions. _ 1456, 1457 Act of 1970 Disaster areas, priority to applications Urban Growth and New Community Development Act of 1970 for p u b h c housing assistance 1758 Urban mass transportation projects, Research authorities, repeal of provicooperation sions 1785 Urban research and technology, apHousing Act of 1956, research authorities, propriation for repeal of provisions 1785 Veterans' Housing Act of 1970 Housing Act of 1959, appropriation for Housing and Urban Development Act, effecting provisions 1459, 1462 Department of. Amendments: Housing Act of 1961: Administrative powers 1775, Amendments, open-space land proConsultant services, increased fees grams, consolidation 1781 Nonprofit project sponsors, designation Appropriation for effecting provisions,. 1457 of assistant Research authorities, repeal of proviHousing and Urban Development Act sions 1786 of 1965: Housing Act of 1964, appropriation for Amendments— effecting provisions 1457 Community facilities grants Housing Act of 1970, Veterans' 1108 R e n t supplement payments Housing Amendments of 1955: R e n t a l housing, occupancy preference Amendments, public works or facilities, for military personnel Research authorities, repeal of protechnical amendments 1802 visions Appropriation for effecting provisions __ 1462

Page 1758

691 1389 1985 379 1804 1758 1894 2086 1218 379 1459 1463 1770 379 1110

1735 1383

1894 1791 966 1985 1108

1809 1811 1816

1780 1771 1775 1786