Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 84 Part 1.djvu/852

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[84 STAT. 794]
PUBLIC LAW 91-000—MMMM. DD, 1970
[84 STAT. 794]

794 Experts and consultants.

80 Stat. 416. Ante, p. 198-1. Actuarial consultant.

80 Stat. 443, 467. 5 USC 5101, 5331.

Report to President and Congress.


PUBLIC LAW 91-378-AUG. 13, 1970

[84 STAT.

(2)(A) The Executive Director, with the approval of the Coiruiiiission, is authorized to obtain services of experts and consultants on a temporary or intermittent basis in accordance with the provisions of section 3109 of title 5, United States Code, but at rates for individuals not to exceed the per diem equivalent of the rate authorized for GS-18 by section 5382 of such title. (B) The Commission shall employ the services of an actuarial consultant holding membership in the American Academy of Actuaries and qualified in the evaluation of pension plans. Such consultant may be appointed without regard to the provisions of title 5, United States Code, governing appointments in the competitive service, and may be paid without regard to the provisions of chapter 51 and subchapter III of chapter 53 of such title relating to classification and General Schedule pay rates. (e) The Railroad Retirement I^oard and any other department, agency, or instrumentality of the Federal Government is authorized to cooperate with and assist the Commission, at its request, in carrying out its duties by furnishing services, information, data, or other material which the Commission feels will be helpful in carrying out its duties. (f) Funds appropriated to the President shall be available to defray the expenses of the Commission, other than expenses incurred pursuant to subparagraph (e) of this section. (g) The Commission shall, not later than July 1, 1971, submit to the President and the Congress a full and complete report of the study authorized by this section together with its recommendations for changes in the railroad retirement system designed to provide adequate levels of benefits thereunder on an actuarially sound basis. The Commission shall cease to exist sixty days after the date of the submission of such report. Approved August 12, 1970.

Public Law 91-378 August 13, 1970 [S. 1076]

AN ACT To establish a pilot program in the Departments of the Interior and Agriculture designated as the Youth Conservation Corps, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives Youth Conserve- J'jiited States of Ametwa in Congress assembled, ^orps tion Corps. Establishment.



of the



1. The Congress finds that the gainful employment during the summer months of American youth, representing all segments of society, in the healthful outdoor atmosphere afforded in the national park system, the national forest system, the national wildlife refuge system, and other public land and water areas administered by the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture creates an opportunity for understanding and appreciation of the Nation's natural environment and heritage. Accordingly, it is the purpose of this Act to further the development and maiiltenance of the natural resources of the United States by the youth, upon whom will fall the ultimate responsibility for maintaining and managing these resources for the American people. SECTION