Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 84 Part 1.djvu/1502

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[84 STAT. A60]
PUBLIC LAW 91-000—MMMM. DD, 1970
[84 STAT. A60]



Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946: Fa^e Amendments, technical; corrections 11401204, 1440 Appropriation for effecting provisions 812, 817, 821 Legislative Reorganization Act of 1970 1140 Appropriation for effecting provisions.. 1990 Committee system 1143 Congress as an institution 1187 Effective dates 1204 Fiscal controls 1167 Hearings accompanying, printing of additional copies 2191 Information, sources of 1175 Legislative Counsel, Office of the 1201 Technical amendments; corrections 1440 Leif Erikson Day, 1970, proclamation 2246 Libby Dam Project, Kootenai River, Mont., funds used for fish hatchery facilities.. 312 Libraries: James Madison Memorial Building, Library of Congress, additional funds authorized 69 National Agricultural Library— Appropriation for 390, 1492 Gifts, authorization to accept 1588 Libraries and Information Science, National Commission on, establishment440 Libraries and Information Science Act, National Commission on 440 Library Assistance Extension Act of 1970, Medical 63 Library of Congress: Appropriation for 387, 821 Blind and physically handicapped, appropriation for books 822 Constitution of the United States of America, publication of revised edition, authorization 1585 Copyright, duration of protection, extension 1441 Copyright OflBce, appropriation for 821 James Madison Memorial Building, additional funds authorized 69 Legislative Reference Service, appropriation for 821 Office equipment, etc., purchase authority 309 Policing of buildings and grounds 309 Library of Medicine, National, appropriation for 32, 2010 Library Services and Construction Act: Amendments, services, construction, and interlibrary cooperation, consolidated program, extension 1660 Appropriation for effecting provisions. _ _ 35, 36, 802 Repeal of provision 174 Library Services and Construction Amendments of 1970 1660

Life Insurance Act, Amendments, redes- Page ignation of courts in provisions. 572, 583, 589 Lighthouse Service Personnel, salary increase 305 Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act, appropriation for effecting provisions 381 Louisiana: Alexandria, John H. Overton Lock and Dam, designation 1874 United States District Court, appointment of additional j udges 294 United States Public Health Service Hospital, New Orleans, land exchange 119 Low-Emission Vehicle Certification Board, establishment 1701 Lower Mississippi River, reclamation pro j ect, additional funds 310 Loyalty Day, 1970, proclamation 2224 Lung Institute, National Heart and, appropriation for 2008 M Machine Tool Week, National: Designation 836 Proclamation 2243 Magistrates, United States, appropriation for 1057 Magnesium, disposition from national stockpile 419 Maine, Moosehorn Wilderness, designation 1105 Makah Indian Tribe, Wash., lands formerly used by Ozette Indians held in trust for 1086 Management and Budget, Office of: Appropriation for 388, 878, 1998 Designation; formerly. Bureau of the Budget 2085 Manganese, temporary suspension of duty 1835 Manganese Ore: Disposition from national stockpile 420, 421, 426 Suspension of duty, extension 407 Manpower Administration, appropriation for 381, 397, 1987, 2001 Manpower Development and Training Act of 1962, appropriation for effecting provisions 23, 381, 1987, 2001 "Marihuana", printing of additional copies 2186 Marihuana and Drug Abuse, Commission on, establishment 1280 Marihuana and Health Reporting Act 352