Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 84 Part 1.djvu/131

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PUBLIC LAW 91-000—MMMM. DD, 1970

84 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 91-219-MAR. 26, 1970


" (a) The Administrator may approve the pursuit by an eligible veteran of flight training where such training is generally accepted as necessary for the attainment of a recognized vocational objective in the field of aviation or where generally recognized as ancillary to the pursuit of a vocational endeavor other than aviation, subject to the following conditions:". (b) Section 1677(a)(1) of such title is amended by deleting "or 81 Stat. 185. must have satisfactorily completed the number of hours of flight training instruction required for a private pilot's license,". SEC. 204. (a) Chapter 34 of title 38, United States Code, is amended by— 82 Stat. 1331. (1) striking out "section 1678 of this title in section 1661(c) and inserting "subchapters V and VI of this chapter"; (2) Striking out section 1678; si Stat. iss. ^ < inserting. immediately after the period at,the end of section computation. . ~ -. .. • . - . , « .. Allowance •' (3). 1682(b) the following: "Notwithstanding provisions of section so Stat. i8 81 Stat. 184. 1681 of this title, payment of the educational assistance allowance provided by this subsection may, and the educational assistance allowance provided by section 1696(b) shall, be made to an eligible Post, p. 8 1. veteran in an amount computed for the entire quarter, semester, or term during the month immediately following the month in which certification is received from the educational institution that the veteran has enrolled in and is pursuing a program at such institution."; and (4) adding at the end of chapter 34 the following new sub- 8i^statr'i86? chapters: 38 USC i65i1687.

"Subchapter V—Special Assistance for the Educationally Disadvantaged "§ 1690. Purpose " I t is the purpose of this subchapter (1) to encourage and assist veterans who have academic deficiencies to attain a high school education or its equivalent and to qualify for and pursue courses of higher education, (2) to assist eli^ble veterans to pursue postsecondary education througn tutorial assistance where required,*and (3) to encourage educational institutions to develop programs which provide special tutorial, remedial, preparatory, or other educational or supplementary assistance to such veterans. "§1691. Elementary and secondary education and preparatory educational assistance " (a) I n the case of any eligible veteran not on active duty who— "(1) has not received a secondary school diploma (or an equivalency certificate) at the time of his discharge or release from active duty, or "(2) in order to pursue a program of education for which he would otherwise be eligible, needs refresher courses, deficiency courses, or other preparatory or special educational assistance to qualify for admission to an appropriate educational institution, the Administrator may, without regard to so much of the provisions of section 1671 as prohibit the enrollment of an eligible veteran in a program of education in which he is 'already qualified', approve the enrollment of such veteran in an appropriate course or courses or other special educational assistance program. " (b) The Administrator shall pay to an eligible veteran pursuing


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