Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 84 Part 1.djvu/1282

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[84 STAT. 1224]
PUBLIC LAW 91-000—MMMM. DD, 1970
[84 STAT. 1224]

1224 72 Stat. 1459.

80 Stat. 756. L e a s e s, annual rental limitation, 72 Stat. 1460.

Report to congressional committees.

International Aeronautical Exposition.

Safeguard Antiballistic Missile System operation s i t e s, N. Dak. and Mont., local community aid.

Financial assistance, considerations •

Funds, availability.

PUBLIC LAW 91-511-OCT. 26, 1970

[84 STAT.

(2) By striking out the figure "$200,000" in the catchline of section 2674 and inserting "$300,000" in place thereof. (3) By striking out the figures "$200,000", "$50,000", and "$25,000" in section 2674(b) and inserting "$300,000", "$100,000", and "$50,000", respectively, in place thereof. (4) By striking out the figure "$25,000" in sections 2674(a) and (e) and inserting "$50,000" in place thereof. SEC. 608. Section 2675 of title 10, United States Code, is amended by (1) inserting " (a) " before "Notwithstanding", and by (2) adding the following new subsections: " (b) A lease may not be entered into under this section if the average estimated annual rental during the term of the lease is more than $250,000 until after the expiration of thirty days from the date upon which a report of the facts concerning the proposed lease is submitted to the Committees on Armed Services of the Senate and House of Representatives. "(c) A statement in a lease that the requirements of this section have been met, or that the lease is not subject to this section, is conclusive." SEC. 609. Section 709 of the Military Construction Authorization Act, 1970 (83 Stat. 317), is amended by (1) deleting from the first sentence thereof "1971" and inserting in its place "1972"; and (2) deleting from the last sentence thereof "$750,000" and inserting in its place "$3,000,000". SEC. 610. (a) The Secretary of Defense is authorized to assist communities located near Grand Forks Air Force Base, Grand Forks, North Dakota, and Malmstrom Air Force Base, Great Falls, Montana, in meeting the costs of providing increased municipal services and facilities to the residents of such communities, if the Secretary determines that there is an immediate and substantial increase in the need for such services and facilities in such communities as a direct result of work being carried out in connection with the construction, installation, testing, and operation of the Safeguard Anti-ballistic Missile System and that an unfair and excessive financial burden will be incurred by such communities as a result of the increased need for such services and facilities. (b) The Secretary of Defense shall carry out the provisions of this section through existing Federal programs. The Secretary is authorized to supplement funds made available under such Federal programs to the extent necessary to carry out the provisions of this section, and is authorized to provide financial assistance to communities described in subsection (a) of this section to help such communities pay their share of the costs under such programs. The heads of all departments and agencies concerned shall cooperate fully with the Secretary of Defense in carrying out the provisions of this section on a priority basis. (c) I n determining the amount of financial assistance to be made available under this section to any local community for any community service or facility, the Secretary of Defense shall consult with the head of the department or agency of the Federal Government concerned with the type of service or facility for which financial assistance is being made available and shall take into consideration (1) the time lag between the initial impact of increased population in any such community and any increase in the local tax base which will result from such increased population, (2) the possible temporary nature of the increased population and the long-range cost impact on the permanent residence of any such community and (3) such other pertinent factors as the Secretary of Defense deems appropriate. (d) Any funds appropriated to the Department of Defense for the