Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 84 Part 1.djvu/1259

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[84 STAT. 1201]
PUBLIC LAW 91-000—MMMM. DD, 1970
[84 STAT. 1201]

84 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 91-510-OCT. 26, 1970


understanding with respect to the proceedings on the floor of the House and the role of the House generally in the legislative branch of the Government. Any such program formulated and developed by uj^on^an" dl^'iopthe commission shall provide for— ment. (1) the enclosure of the galleries with soundproof and transparent coverage in such manner as to preserve the visibility from the galleries of proceedings on the House floor and eliminate the audibility on the House floor of noise in the galleries; (2) the installation of facilities and devices which will permit the proceedings on the floor of the House to be heard by spectators in the galleries, together with facilities and devices by which appropriate comments and explanations may be made to spectators in the galleries with respect to the proceedings on the House floor; and (3) such other items or features of modernization and improvement of the House gallaries as may be directed by the commission, including items and features of modernization designed to provide for and facilitate the consultation of legislative materials and the taking of written notes by visitors to the House galleries, under such regulations as the Speaker may from time to time prescribe, without any distraction to or disturbance of the conduct of proceedings on the floor of the House. (b) A t the request of the commission, the Architect of the Capitol shall provide advice, counsel, and assistance to the commission in the conduct of its study. (c) Such study shall be completed not later than the close of the completion date, first session of the Ninety-second Congress. (d) After the completion of such study, the commission through the Program impieArchitect of the Capitol, subject to the availability of appropriations '"^"*^"°"* for such purpose, shall put the program for the modernization and improvement of the galleries into effect. The Architect of the Capitol. contract authormay procure or make such plans, enter into such contracts, employ **^* such personnel, and take such other actions and make such expenditures, as may be necessary to complete such program of modernization and improvement of the House galleries. In all matters connected with such program, the Architect shall be subject to the supervision, direction, and control of the commission. (e) The commission shall cease to exist when the Speaker deter- ^ commission, •

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mines that the program tor modernization and improvement of the galleries has been completed. (f) There are hereby authorized to be appropriated, to remain Appropriations. available until expended, such sums as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this section. TITLE Y—OFFICE OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Subtitle A—House of Representatives PART 1—PURPOSE, POLICY, AND FUNCTION ESTABLISHMENT

SEC. 501. There is established in the House of Representatives an office to be known as the Office of the Legislative Counsel, referred to hereinafter in this subtitle as the "Office".