Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 82.djvu/936

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[82 STAT. 894]
PUBLIC LAW 90-000—MMMM. DD, 1968
[82 STAT. 894]


PUBLIC LAW 90-537-SEPT. 30, 1968

Non-Indian facilities, appropriatic

[82 STAT.

(b) There is also authorized to be appropriated $100,000,000 for construction of distribution and drainage facilities for non-Indian lands. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 403 of this Actj neither appropriations made pursuant to the authorization contained in this subsection (b) nor revenues collected in connection with the operation of such facilities shall be credited to the Lower Colorado River Basin Development Fund and payments shall not be made from that fund to the general fund of the Treasury to return any part of the costs of construction, operation, and maintenance of such facilities. TITLE IV ~ L O W E R COLORADO R IV E R B A S I N DEVELOPMENT F U N D: ALLOCATION AND REPAYMENT OF C O S T S: CONTRACTS

16 USC 460^12 note.

Indian lands, repayment c a p a bility.

Lower Colorado River B a s i n Development Fund. Establishment.


p. 88 7.

SEC. 401. Upon completion of each lower basin unit of the project herein or hereafter authorized, or separate feature thereof, the Secretary shall allocate the total costs of constructing said unit or features to (1) commercial powder, (2) irrigation, (3) municipal and industrial water supply, (4) flood control, (5) navigation, (6) water quality control, (7) recreation, (8) fish and wildlife, (9) the replenishment of the depletion of Colorado River flows available for use in the United States occasioned by performance of the Water Treaty of 1944 with the United Mexican States (Treaty Series 994; 59 Stat. 1219), and (10) any other purposes authorized under the Federal reclamation laws. Costs of construction, operation, and maintenance allocated to the replenishment of the depletion of Colorado River flows available for use in the Unitfid States occasioned by compliance with the Mexican Water Treaty (including losses in transit, evaporation from regulatory reservoirs, and regulatory losses at the Mexican boundary, incurred in the transportation, storage, and delivery of water in discharge of the obligations of that treaty) shall be nonreimbursable: Provided, That the nonreimbursable allocation shall be made on a pro rata basis to be determined by the ratio between the amount of water required to comply with the Mexican Water Treaty and the total amount of water by which the Colorado River is augmented pursuant to the investigations authorized by title II of this Act and any future Congressional authorization. The repayment of costs allocated to recreation and fish and wildlife enhancement shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Water Project Recreation Act (79 Stat. 213): Provided, That all of the separable and joint costs allocated to recreation and fish and wildlife enhancement as a part of the Dixie project, Utah, shall be nonreimbursable. Costs allocated to nonreimbursable purposes shall be nonreturnable under the provisions of this Act. SEC. 402. The Secretary shall determine the repayment capability of Indian lands within, under, or served by any unit of the project. Construction costs allocated to irrigation of Indian lands (including provision of water for incidental domestic and stock water uses) and within the repayment capability of such lands shall be subject to the Act of July 1, 1932 (47 Stat. 564; 25 U.S.C. 386a), and such costs that are beyond repayment capability of such lands shall be nonreimbursable. SEC. 403. (a) There is hereby established a separate fund in the Treasury of the United States to be known as the Lower Colorado River Basin Development Fund (hereafter called the "development fund"), which shall remain available until expended as hereafter provided. (b) All appropriations made for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of title III of this Act shall be credited to thp development