Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 82.djvu/601

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[82 STAT. 559]
PUBLIC LAW 90-000—MMMM. DD, 1968
[82 STAT. 559]

82 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 90-448-AUG. 1, 1968

agent, broker or other producer, and such requests need not be made in writing; "(3) the absence of a building owner or his representative during an inspection shall not preclude a tenant seeking insurance from obtaining an inspection under the plan; "(4) following the inspection, a copy of the inspection report shall be promptly sent by the inspection facility to the insurer or insurers, or to an all-industrv placement facility referred to under section 1212, as may be designated by the person requesting the inspection; "(5) after the inspection report is received by an insurer, it shall promptly determine if the risk meets reasonable underwriting standards at the applicable premium rate, and shall promptly return to the inspection facility the inspection report and provide an action report setting forth— " (A)(i) the amount of coverage it agrees to write; and if the insurer agrees to write the coverage with a surcharge (if such a surcharge is authorized by the State insurance authority), the improvements necessary before it will provide coverage at an unsurcharged premium rate; and "(ii) the amount of coverage it agrees to write if certain improvements specified in the action report are made; or " (B) the specific reasons it declines to write coverage; "(6) if the insurer declines the risk, or agrees to write the coverage sought on condition that the property will be improved, it shall also promptly send a copy of both the inspection and action reports to the property owner and the State insurance authority, and at the time the insurer sends such reports to the property owner, it shall also explain his right, under applicable State laws, to appeal the decision of the insurer to the State insurance authority, setting forth the procedures to be followed for such appeal; " (7) all policies written pursuant to the plan shall be promptly written after inspection or reinspection and shall be separately coded so that appropriate records may be compiled for purposes of performing loss prevention and other studies of the operation of the plan; "(8) the inspection facility shall submit to the State insurance authority and to the Secretary periodic reports setting forth information, by individual insurers, including the number of risks inspected under the plan, the number of risks accepted, the number of risks conditionally accepted and reinspections made, the number of risks decHned, and such other information as the State insurance authority may request; "(0) notice will be given to any policyholder a reasonable time prior to the cancellation or nonrenewal of any risk eligible under the plan (except in case of nonpayment of premium or evidence of incendiarism), to allow ample time for an application for new coverage to be made and a new policy to be written under the plan, and the insurer shall, in writing, explain to the policvholder the procedures for obtaining an inspection under the plan in the notice of cancellation or nonrenewal; and "(10) a continuing public education program will be undertaken by the participating insurers, agents, and brokers to assure that the plan receives adequate public attention.