Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 82.djvu/46

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PUBLIC LAW 90-000—MMMM. DD, 1968

PUBLIC LAW 90-251-JAN. 30, 1968

[82 STAT.

Public Law 90-251 January 30, 1968 [ H. R. 827]

AN ACT To amend the Presidential Inaugural Ceremonies Act.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Presidential United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 2 of the Inaugural Ceremonies Act, Presidential Inaugural Ceremonies Act (70 Stat. 1049; D.C. Code, sec. amendment. 1-1202), is amended to read as follows: Regulations. "SEC. 2. (a) For each inaugural period the District of Columbia Council is authorized and directed to make all reasonable regulations riecessary to secure the preservation of public order and prote(^tion of life, health, and property; to make special regulations respecting the standing, movement, and operation of vehicles of whatever character or kind during such period; and to grant, under such conditions as it may impose, special licenses to peddlers and vendors for the privilege of selling ^oods, wares, and merchandise in such places in the District of Columbia, and to charge such fees for such privilege, as it may deem proper. S p e c i a l registra" (b) The Commissioner of the District of Columbia is authorized tion t a g s, i s s u to issue, for both duly registered motor vehicles and unregistered ance. motor vehicles made available for the use of the Inaugural Committee, special registration tags, valid for a period not exceeding ninety days, designed to celebrate the occasion of the inauguration of the President and Vice President." Appropriations. gj,^. £. Section 3 of the Presidential Inaugural Ceremonies Act (D.C. Code, sec. 1-1203) is amended (a) by striking "travel expenses of enforcement personnel from other jurisdictions" and inserting in lieu thereof "travel expenses of enforcement personnel, including sanitarians, from other jurisdictions"; (b) by striking "policemen and firemen" and inserting in lieu thereof "policemen, firemen, and other municipal emplo;^ees"; and (c^ by striking the period at the end of such section and inserting in lieu thereof the following: "; and such sums as may be necessary, payable in like manner as other appropriations for the expenses of the Department of the Interior, to enable the Secretary of the Interior to provide meals for the members of the United States Park Police during the inaugural period.". D.C. Code SEC. 3. Section 8 of the Presidential Inaugural Ceremonies Act is 1-1208. amended by deleting the term "Commissioners" and inserting in lieu thereof "District of Columbia Council". D.C. Code SEC. 4. The Presidential Inaugural Ceremonies Act is amended by 1-1201 note. adding at the end thereof the following new section: '*Commis"SEC. 10. Wherever the term 'Commissioners' is used in this Act, sioners." such term shall be deemed to refer to the Commissioner of the District of Columbia." Approved January 30, 1968.

Public Law 90-252 February 3, 1968 [S. 306]

Indians. Vocational education. 79 Stat, 74.

AN ACT To increase the amounts authorized for Indian adult vocational education. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That section 2 of the Act entitled "An Act relative to employment for certain adult Indians on or near Indian reservations", approved August 3, 1956 (25 U.S.C. 309a), is amended by striking out "$15,000,000" and inserting in lieu thereof "$25,000,000". Approved February 3, 1968.