Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 82.djvu/322

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[82 STAT. 280]
PUBLIC LAW 90-000—MMMM. DD, 1968
[82 STAT. 280]


PUBLIC LAW 90-371-JULY 1, 1968

[82 STAT.

Public Law 90-371 July 1, 1968 [H. R. 15216]

Bureau of Prisons. Assistance to State and local governments. 62 Stat. 849.

AN ACT x To authorize tht^ Bureau of Prisons to assist State and local governments in the improvement of their correctional systems.

Be it enacted by the Senate <md House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That section 4042 of title 18, Ignited States Code, is amended by striking out the period and inserting a semicolon and by adding the following at the end of the first paragraph: "(4) Provide technical assistance to State and local governments in the improvement of their correctional systems." Approved July 1, 1968.

Public Law 90-372 July 2, 1968 [S.3363]

J o h n E. Fogarty Federal Building. Designation.

AN ACT To name the United States customhouse, Providence, Rhode Island, the "John E. Fogarty Federal Building".

Be it enacted iy the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the United States customhouse. Providence, Ehode Island, shall, from and after the date of enactment of this Act, be known and designated as the "John E. Fogarty Federal Building". Any reference in a law, map, regulation, document, record, or other paper of the United States to such United States customhouse shall be held to be a reference to the "John E. Fogarty Federal Building". Approved July 2, 1968.

Public Law 90-373 July 3, 1968 [H. R. 15856]

AN ACT To authorize appropriations to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration for research and development, construction of facilities, and administrative operations, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the ^j^ationai Aero- ^ United Stotcs of America in Congress assembled, That there is hereby Adminfstr'Ltion "^ authorizcd to be appropriated to the National Aeronautics and Space Authorization Act, Administration: Research and C^) For "Researcli and development," for the following programs: development.


A p o l l o, $2,025,000,000;

(2) Apollo applications, $253,200,000; (3) Advanced missions, $2,500,000; (4) Physics and astronomy, $136,900,000; (5) Lunar and planetary exploration, $92,300,000; (6) Biosoience, $33,000,000; (7) Space applications, $98,700,000.; (8) Launch vehicle procurement, $115,700,000; (9) Sustaining university program, $9,000,000; (10) Space vehicle systems, $31,800,000; (11) Electronics systems, $35,500,000; (12) Human factor systems, $19,700,000; (13) Basic research, $21,000,000; (14) Space power and electric propulsion systems, $42,300,000; (15) Nuclear rockets, $55,000,000;