Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 82.djvu/315

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[82 STAT. 273]
PUBLIC LAW 90-000—MMMM. DD, 1968
[82 STAT. 273]

82 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 90-364-JUNE 28, 1968

TITLE III—SOCIAL SECURITY ACT AMENDMENTS SEC. 301. LIMITATION ON NUMBER OF CHILDREN WITH RESPECT TO WHOM FEDERAL PAYMENTS MAY BE MADE UNDER PROGRAM OF AID TO FAMILIES WITH DEPENDENT CHILDREN. Subsection (d) of section 403 of the Social Security Act is amended Ji st^«^-g894. (1) by inserting " (1) " immediately after " (d) ", (2) by inserting "(except fhe succeeding paragraphs of this subsection)" immediately after "Act", (3) by striking out "June 30, 1968" and inserting in lieu thereof "June 30, 1969", and (4) by adding at the end of such subsection the following new paragraphs: "(2) In the case of any State which is determined by the Secrettiry to have effectuated, in compliance with or in reliance upon or in consideration of a judicial decision (as defined in paragraph (3)), a policy of providing aid to families- with dependent children under its State plan approved under this part to or on behalf of individuals who, except for such policy, would not be eligible for such aid, the av^erage monthl}' number of dependent children under the age of 18 who have been deprived of parental support or care by reason of the continued absence from the home of a parent with respect to whom payments under this section were made to the State for the calendar quarter beginning January 1, 1968, shall, for purposes of applying the provisions of paragraph (1), be increased by the average monthly number, in the calendar quarter beginning April 1, 1969, of children under the age of 18 who are deprived of parental support or care by reason of the continued absence from the home of a parent and who by reason of such policy began to receive such aid after March 1968 and received such aid during the calendar quarter beginning April 1, 1969. "(3) As used in paragraph (2), the term 'judicial decision' means ci'sYon'^'^^'^^ any decision by a court of the United States of competent jurisdiction in any case or controversy in which there is decided the issue of the validity, under the United States Constitution, of any law, rule, regulation, or policy of a State under which aid to families with dependent children is denied to individuals otherwise eligible therefor because of failure to meet duration of residence requirements or because of the relationship between a male individual and the mother of the child or children with respect to whom such aid is sought." SEC. 302. AID TO FAMILIES WITH DEPENDENT CHILDREN IN CASE OF UNEMPLOYED FATHERS RECEIVING UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION. Section 407(b)(2)(C) of the Social Security Act is amended to read si Stat. ss-s. as follows: _ ^ 42 USC 607. " (C) for the denial of aid to families with dependent children to any child or relative specified in subsection (a) — "(i) if, and for so long as, such child's father is not currently registered with the public employment offices in the State, and "(ii) with respect to any week for which such child's father receives unemployment compensation under an unemployment compensation law of a State or of the United States."