Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 82.djvu/1841

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[82 STAT. A21]
PUBLIC LAW 90-000—MMMM. DD, 1968
[82 STAT. A21]

SUBJECT Education—Continued Page Financial aid to students, not considered as income 1063 G r a d u a t e Education, Advisory Council on, establishment 1049 Health professions training programs, research facilities, etc., grants, loans 773-789 Higher Education Facilities Act of 1963. See separate title. Higher Education Act of 1965. See separate title. Higher Education Act of 1968 1014 Indian students in institutions of higher education, Federal support 71 International Education Act of 1966, amendment, extension of program. 1062 Law enforcement programs 204 M u t u a l Educational and Cultural Exchange Act of 1961, appropriation for effecting provisions 319, 333, 672, 689, 691, 978 National Defense Education Act of 1958. See separate title. National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities Act of 1965. See separate title. National School L u n c h Act— Amendments, special food service program for children 117 Appropriation for effecting provisions. 645 National School Lunch Week, 1968, proclamation 1614 National Vocational S t u d e n t Loan Insurance Act of 1965— Amendments, s t u d e n t loan insurance programs, interest r a t e 635 Repeal 1024 Post-secondary, recommendation to Congress regarding availability to all young Americans 1063 Preschool programs for children 901 Sea g r a n t colleges and programs, authorization of funds for 704 S t u d e n t misconduct, denial of Federal aid 1062 Teacher Corps program, appropriation for 976 Veterans. See separate title. Vocational, Indians, increased funds authorized 4 Vocational Education Act of 1946, appropriation for effecting provisions. 977 Vocational Education Act of 1963— Amendments— Citation of title I as 1064 Program expansion, authorization. _ 1064 Appropriation for effecting provisions. 997, 978

96-600 O - 69 - 116



Education'—Continued Vocational Education Amendments of 1968. See separate title. Education, Office of: Appropriation for 327, 687, 974, G r a d u a t e Education, Advisory Council on, establishment J o b Corps, Federal-State operation, s t u d y of feasibility School assistance. Federally affected areas, appropriation for Education Professions Development Act, appropriation for effecting provisions.


315, 1195 1049 1097 315 975, 976

Eisenhower College, Seneca Falls, N.Y.: Appropriation for 1198 G r a n t s to, authorization 1000 Eisenhower Week, Salute to: Designation 359 Proclamation 1640 El Dorado, Kans., payment for settlement of claim 108 EI Portal Administrative Site, Calif., longterm lease of lands in 393 Electrodes, imported for use in producing aluminum, suspension of duty, extension 1004 Electronic Product Radiation Safety Standards Committee, Technical, establishment 1179 Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, appropriation for effecting provisions 974, 978, 1195 Elementary and Secondary Education Amendments of 1967, Amendment, availability of funds 1094 Elklutna Project, Alas., rehabilitation 875 Emergency Planning, Office of: Appropriation for 324, 937 Renamed, OflBce- of Emergency Preparedness 1194 Emergency Preparedness, Office of, renamed 1194 Employees' Compensation, Bureau of, appropriation for 332, 973 Employment Opportunity Commission, Equal, appropriation for 335, 687 Employment Security, Bureau of, appropriationfor 92, 970 Engineers, Corps of: Appropriation for 326, 705 Estuarine areas, study and inventory for preservation 625 Recreation areas at lakes and reservoirs, collection of fees 746 Engraving and Printing, Bureau of, appropriation for 190