Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 82.djvu/1369

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[82 STAT. 1327]
PUBLIC LAW 90-000—MMMM. DD, 1968
[82 STAT. 1327]

82 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 90-629-OCT. 22, 1968

(1) the extent to which the proposed sale damages or infringes upon licensing arrangements whereby United States entities have granted licenses for the manufacture of the defense articles selected by the purchasing country to entities located in friendly foreign countries, which licenses resuU in financial returns to the United States, and (2) the portion of the defense articles so manufactured which is of United States origin. (b) Funds made available under this Act may be used for procurement outside the United States only if the President determines that such procurement will not result in adverse effects upon the economy of the United States or the industrial mobilization base, with special reference to any areas of labor surplus or to the net position of the United States in its balance of payments with the rest of the world, which outweigh the economic or other advantages to the United States of less costly procurement outside the United States. (c)(1) With respect to sales and guaranties under sections 21, 22, 23, and 24, the Secretary of Defense shall, under the direction of the President, have primary responsibility for— (A) the determination of military end-item requirements j (B) the procurement of military equipment in a manner which permits its integration with service programs; (C) the supervision of the training of foreign military personnel; (D^ the movement and delivery of military end-items; and (E) within the Department of Defense, the performance of any other functions with respect to sales and guaranties. (2) The establishment of priorities in the procurement, delivery, and allocation of military equipment shall, under the direction of the President, be determined by the Secretary of Defense. SEC. 43. ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES.—Funds made available under other law for the operations of United States Government agencies carrying out functions under this Act shall be available for the administrative expenses incurred by such agencies under this Act. SEC. 44. STATUTORY CONSTRUCTION.—No provision of this Act shall be construed as modifying in any way the provisions of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, or section 7307 of title 10 of the United States Code. SEC. 45. STATUTES REPEALED AND AMENDED.— (a) Sections 521, 522, 523, 524(b)(3), 525, 634(g), and 640 of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961,asamended, are hereby repealed. (b) Part III of the Foreign xVssistance Act of 1961, as amended, is amended as follows: (1) Section 622(b) is amended by striking out "or sales". (2) Section 622(c) is amended by striking out "and sales" and "or sales". (3) Section 632(d) is amended by striking out "sections 506, 522, and 523," in the first sentence and inserting in lieu thereof "section 506". (4) Section 634(d) is amended by inserting "or any other" between "under this" and "Act" in the fourth sentence. (5) Section 644(m) is amended by striking out "and sales" in the first sentence of the paragraph following numbered paragraph (3). (c) References in law to the provisions of law repealed by subsection (a) of this section shall hereafter be deemed to be references to this Act or appropriate provisions of this Act. Except for the laws specified in section 44, no other provision of law shall be deemed to


^"'«' PP- 1323, ^^^^'

^s Stat. 919^. note. ^'"^ 7OA Stat. 452. 22 USC 2341^390;^^^'*' 22 USC 2382. 22 USC 2392. 22 USC 2394. 22 USC 2403.