Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 82.djvu/1321

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[82 STAT. 1279]
PUBLIC LAW 90-000—MMMM. DD, 1968
[82 STAT. 1279]

82 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 90.620-OCT. 22, 1968

This section does not apply to orders, instructions, directions, notices, or circulars of information printed for and issued by an executive department or other Government establishment or to the distribution of public documents by Senators or Members of the House of Representatives or to the Senate Service Department, House of Representatives Publications Distribution Service, and document rooms of the Senate or House of Representatives. § 1702. Superintendent of Documents; sale of documents The Public Printer shall appoint a competent person to act as Superintendent of Documents who shall be under the control of the Public Printer. When an officer of the Government having in his charge documents published for sale desires to be relieved of them, he may turn them over to the Superintendent of Documents, who shall receive and sell them under this section. Moneys received from the sale of documents shall be returned to the Public Printer on the first day of each month and be covered into the Treasury monthly. The Superintendent of Documents shall also report monthly to the Public Printer the number of documents received by him and the disposition made of them. H e shall have general supervision of the distribution of all public documents, and to his custody shall be committed all documents subject to distribution, excepting those printed for the special official use of the executive departments, which shall be delivered to the departments, and those printed for the use of the two Houses of Congress, which shall be delivered to the Senate Service Department and House of Representatives Publications Distribution Service and distributed or delivered ready for distribution to Members upon their order by the superintendents of the Senate Service Department and House Publications Distribution Service, respectively. §1703. Superintendent of Documents: assistants, blanks, printing and binding The Public Printer, upon the requisition of the Superintendent of Documents, shall appoint necessary assistants, furnish blanks, and do the printing and binding required by his office, the cost to be charged against the appropriation for printing and binding for Congreas, The Public Printer shall provide convenient office, storage, and distributing rooms for the use of the Superintendent of Documents. § 1704. Superintendent of Documents: pay of employees for night, Sunday, holiday, and overtime work Employees in the office of the Superintendent of Documents may be paid for night, Sunday, holiday, and overtime work at rates not in excess of the rates of additional pay for this work allowed other employees of the Government Printing Office under section 305 of this title. §1705. Printing additional copies for sale to public; regulations The Public Printer shall print additional copies of a Government publication, not confidential in character, required for sale to the public by the Superintendent of Documents, subject to regulation by the Joint Committee on Printing and without interference with the prompt execution of printing for the Government. § 1706. Printing and sale of extra copies of documents The Public Printer shall furnish to applicants giving notice before the matter is put to press, not exceeding two hundred and fifty to any one applicant, copies of bills, reports, and documents. The applicants