Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 82.djvu/1294

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[82 STAT. 1252]
PUBLIC LAW 90-000—MMMM. DD, 1968
[82 STAT. 1252]


ao^strt'.^isef 43 Stat. 586.

PUBLIC LAW 90-620-OCT. 22, 1968

[82 STAT.

sented by the deceased and twenty copies for each Representative from that State; of the eulogies on a deceased Representative and Resident Commissioner two hundred and fifty copies for his successor in office; twenty copies for each of the other Representatives, or Resident Commissioner of the State, or insuhir possession represented by the deceased; and twenty copies for each Senator from that State. The "usual number" of memorial addresses may not be printed. §724. Memorial addresses: illustrations The illustrations to accompany bound copies of memorial addresses delivered in Congress shall be made at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing and paid for out of the appropriation for that bureau, or, in the discretion of the Joint Committee on Printing, shall be obtained elsewhere by the Public Printer and charged to the allotment for printing and binding for Congress. § 725. Statement of appropriations; "usual number" Of the statements of appropriations required to be prepared by section 105 of Title 2, there shall be printed, after the close of each regular session of Congress, the usual number of copies. § 726. Printing for committees of Congress A committee of Congress may not procure the printing of more than one thousand copies of a hearing, or other document germane thereto, for its use except by simple, concurrent, or joint resolution, as provided by section 703 of this title. § 727. Committee reports: indexing and binding The Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk of the House of Representatives shall procure and file for the use of their respective House copies of all reports made by committees, and at the close of each session of Congress shall have the reports indexed and bound, one copy to be deposited in the library of each House and one copy in the committee from which the report emanates. § 728. United States Statutes at Large: distribution The Public Printer, after the final adjournment of each regular session of Congress, shall print and bind copies of the United States Statutes at Large, to be cnarged to the congressional allotment for printing and binding. The Joint Committee on Printing shall control the number and distribution of the copies. The Public Printer shall print and, after the end of each calendar 3'^ear, bind and deliver to the Superintendent of Documents a number of copies of the United States Treaties and Other International Agreements not exceeding the number of copies of the United States Statutes at Large required for distribution in the manner provided by law. § 729. United States Statutes at Large: references in margins The Administrator of General Services shall include in the references in margins of the United States Statutes at Large the number of the bill or joint resolution (designating S. for Senate bill, H.R. for House bill, S.J. Res. for Senate joint resolution and H.J. Res. for House joint resolutions, as the case may be) under which each Act was approved and became a law, the reference in the margins to be placed within brackets immediately under the date of the approval of the Act at the beginning of each Act as printed beginning with Volume 32 of the United States Statutes at Large.