Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 82.djvu/1052

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[82 STAT. 1010]
PUBLIC LAW 90-000—MMMM. DD, 1968
[82 STAT. 1010]


PUBLIC LAW 90-574-OCT. 15, 1968

[82 STAT.


"SEC. 252. The Secretary is authorized, during the period beginning July 1, 1968, and ending with the close of June 30, 1970, to make grants to any public or nonprofit private agencies and organizations to cover part or all of the cost of (A) developing specialized training programs or materials relating to the provision of public health services for the prevention and treatment of narcotic addiction, or developing in-service training or short-tenn or refresher courses with respect to the provision of such services; (B) training personnel to operate, supervise, and administer such services; and (C) conducting surveys and field trials to evaluate the adequacy of the programs for the prevention and treatment of narcotic addiction within the several States with a view to determining ways and means of improving, extending, and expanding such programs. "PROJECTS ELIGIBLE UNDER REGULAR PROGRAM

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"SEC. 253. Notliing in this part shall be construed to preclude approval under part A or B of a grant for a project for the construction or initial staffing of a facility for the treatment of narcotic addicts. ii-. 'PAYMENTS

"SEC. 254. Payments under this part may be made in advance or by way of reimbursement, and on such terms and conditions and in such installments, as the Secretary may determine." PART C—GENEILVL AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS; AND PROGRAM EVALUATION

SEC. 303. (a) The Community Mental Health Centers Act (42 U.S.C. 2681, et seq.) is further amended by inserting after part D (added by section 302 of this Act) the following new part: " P A R T E — GENERAL PROVISIONS "AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS FOR REHABILITATION OF ALCOHOLICS AND NARCOTIC ADDICTS

Ante. p. 1006.

"SEC. 261. (a) There are authorized to be appropriated $15,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1969, and $25,000,000 for the next fiscal year for project grants for construction and staffing of facilities f^j. ^]^g preveution and treatment of alcoholism under part C or the prevention and treatment of narcotic addiction under part D and for grants under section 252. Sums so appropriated for any fiscal year shall remain available for obligation until the close of the next fiscal year. " (b) There are also authorized to be appropriated for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1971, and each of the next three fiscal years such sums as may be necessarv to continue to make grants for staffing with respect to any project under part C or D for which a staffing grant was made from appropriations under subsection (a) of this section for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1969, or the fiscal year ending June 30, 1970. "PROGRAM EVALUATION

"SEC. 262. Such portion (as the Secretary may determine) of any appropriation under this title for any fiscal year ending after June 30, 1968, but not exceeding 1 per centum thereof, shall be available to the Secretary for evaluation (directly or by grants or contracts) of the programs authorized by this title.