Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 81.djvu/972

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[81 STAT. 938]
PUBLIC LAW 90-000—MMMM. DD, 1968
[81 STAT. 938]


PUBLIC LAW 90-249-J AN. 2, 1968



gram for any country shall not be increased beyond the amount justified to the Congress, unless the President determines that an increase in such program is essential to the national interest of the United States and reports each such determination to the House of Representatives and the Senate within thirty days after each such determination. GENERAL PROVISIONS Flood control and related projects.

Reports to Congress.

Obligation of funds. Restriction.

Annuities of military personnel of recipient countries.

Communist China.

59 Stat. 1031.

Racial and religious discrimination.

22 USC 2151 note.

SEC. 101. None of the funds herein appropriated (other than funds appropriated under the authorization for "International organizations and programs") shall be used to finance the construction of any new flood control, reclamation, or other water or related land resource project or program which has not met the standards and criteria used in determining the feasibility of flood control, reclamation, and other water and related land resource programs and projects proposed for construction within the United States of America as per memorandum of the President dated May 15, 1962. SEC. 102. Obligations made from funds herein appropriated for engineering and architectural fees and services to any individual or group of engineering and architectural firms on any one project in excess of $25,000 shall be reported to the Senate and House of Representatives at least twice annually. SEC. 103. Except for the appropriations entitled "Contingency Fund", "Alliance for Progress, development loans", and "Development loans", not more than 20 per centum of any appropriation item made available by this title shall be obligated and/or reserved during the last month of availability. SEC. 104. None of the funds herein appropriated nor any of the counterpart funds generated as a result of assistance hereunder or any prior Act shall be used to pay pensions, annuities, retirement pay, or adjusted service compensation for any persons heretofore or hereafter serving in the armed forces of any recipient country. SEC. 105. The Congress hereby reiterates its opposition to the seating in the United Nations of the Communist China regime as the representative of China, and it is hereby declared to be the continuing sense of Congress that the Communist regime in China has not demonstrated its willingness to fulfill the obligations contained in the Charter of the United Nations and should not be recognized to represent China in the United Nations. In the event of the seating of representatives of the Chinese Communist regime in the Security Council or General Assembly of the United Nations, the President is requested to inform the Congress, insofar as is compatible with the requirements of national security, of the implications of this action upon the foreign policy of the United States and our foreign relationships, including that created by membership in the United Nations, together with any recommendations which he may have with respect to the matter. SEC. 106. I t is the sense of Congress that any attempt by foreign nations to create distinctions because of their race or religion among American citizens in the granting of personal or commercial access or any other rights otherwise available to United States citizens generally IS repugnant to our principles; and in all negotiations between the United States and any foreign state arising as a result of funds appropriated under this title these principles shall be applied as the President may determine. SEC. 107. (a) No assistance shall be furnished under the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended, to any country which sells, furnishes, or permits any ships under its registry to carry to Cuba, so long as it is governed by the Castro regime, in addition to those items contained on the list maintained by the Administrator pursuant to title I of the Mutual Defense Assistance Control Act of 1951, as