Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 81.djvu/735

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[81 STAT. 701]
PUBLIC LAW 90-000—MMMM. DD, 1968
[81 STAT. 701]

81 STAT.]

PUBLIC LAW 9 0 - 2 2 2 - D E C. 23, 1967


mum availability of services and in order best to meet the varying needs of different communities. The Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare shall make the services of Public Health Service officers available to the Director in carrying out this program. "(8) A program to be known as 'Senior Opportunities and tunurri°Ind^^°'" Services' designed to identify and meet the needs of older, poor services." i persons above the age of 60 in one or more of the following areas: development and provision of new employment and volunteer services; effective referral to existing health, welfare, employment, housing, legal, consumer, transportation, education, and recreational and other services; stimulation and creation of additional services and programs to remedy gaps and deficiencies in presently existing services and programs; modification of existing procedures, eligibility requirements and program structures to facilitate the greater use of, and participation in, public services by the older poor; development of all-season recreation and service centers controlled by older persons themselves; and such other activities and services as the Director may determine are necessary or specially appropriate to meet the needs of the older poor and to assure them greater self-sufficiency. I n administering this program the Director shall utilize to the maximum extent feasible the services of the Administration of Aging in accordance with agreements with the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare. "(b) Consistent with, and subject to, the provisions of sections 230 and 232 (a), (b), and (c), programs under this section may include related training, research, and technical assistance, and funds allocated for this purpose may be allotted and used in the manner otherwise provided under this title with respect to training, research, and technical assistance activities. "RESmENT


"SEC. 223. I n the conduct of all component programs under this part, residents of the area and members of the groups served shall be provided maximum employment opportunity, including opportunity for further occupational training and career advancement. The Director shall encourage the employment of persons fifty-five years and older as regular, part-time and short-term staff in component programs. ((NEIGHBORHOOD


"SEC. 224. The Director shall encourage the development of neighborhood centers, designed to promote the effectiveness of needed services in such fields as health, education, manpower, consumer protection, child and economic development, housing, legal, recreation, and social services, and so organized (through a corporate or other appropriate framework) as to promote maximum participation of neighborhood residents in center planning, policymaking, administration, and operation. I n addition to providing such services as may not otherwise be conveniently or readily available, such centers shall be responsive to siuch neighborhood needs, such as counseling, referral, follow-through, and community development activities, as may be necessary or appropriate to best assure a system under which existing programs are extended to the most disadvantaged, are linked to one another, are responsive and relevant to the range of community, family, and individual problems and are fully adapted to neighborhood needs and conditions.