Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 80 Part 1.djvu/885

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[80 STAT. 849]
PUBLIC LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1966
[80 STAT. 849]



PUBLIC LAW 89-606-SEPT. 26, 1966


value until such time as the States and the United States shall have had an opportunity to negotiate a compact, all departments, agencies, and instrumentalities of the United States shall consult with the Secretary concerning any plans, programs, projects, and grants under their jurisdiction within or affecting the Hudson Eiverway. Any Federal department, agency, or instrumentality before which there is pending an application for a license for an activity which may affect the resources of the Hudson Eiverway shall notify the Secretary and, before taking final action on such application, shall allow the Secretary ninety days to present his views on the matter. These requirements shall not apply to any applicant for a license which was pending and being actively pursued on July 1, 1966, and shall cease to apply three years after the date of this Act, or whenever a compact has been consented to or approved by the Congress, whichever occurs first. Approved September 26, 1966.

Public Law 89-606 AN ACT To amend title 10, United States Code, to increase the authorized nvuiibers for the grade of major, lieutenant colonel, and colonel in the Air Force in order to provide active duty promotion opportunities for certain oflScers, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That, beginning with the date of enactment of this Act through June 30, 1972, the columns under the headings "For colonels" and "For lieutenant colonels" contained in the table in section 8202(a) of title 10, United States Code, are suspended. For such period such columns shall read as follows: "For colonels 3, 500 3, 859

For lieutenant colonels 6, 500 7, 706

4, 218 4, 577

8, 911 10,116

4, 936 5, 295 5, 654 6, 013 6, 372 6, 730 7, 089 7, 449 7, 807 8,166

11, 321 12, 527 13, 732 14, 937 16,142 17, 348 18, 533 19, 758 20, 963 22,169".

SEC. 2. For a period of six years after the effective date of this Act, the authorized strengths prescribed by section 8202 of title 10, United States Code, may be exceeded (1) by 1,000 for the grade of lieutenant colonel; and (2) by the following numbers for the grade of major: Fiscal years following enactment: First Second ThirdFourth Fifth Sixth

Number to exceed

authorized strength 9,500 7,917 6,334 4,751 3,168 1,585

However, the authority to exceed the authorized strengths by 1,000 for the grade of lieutenant colonel, and 1,500 for the grade of major authorized by this section may be used only in the event that drastic reductions or increases in the authorized strength of the commissioned

September 26, 1966 [H.R. 15005]

Armed Forces. Air Force offiers, increase.

70A Stat. 498.