Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 80 Part 1.djvu/122

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PUBLIC LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1966


PUBLIC LAW 89-376-MAR. 26, 1966

Methane. 30 USC 47 2.

30 USC 479. Notice to State agency.

Inspection and report.

e o n c u r r e n c e of State inspector.

Independent inspector, appointment.

[80 STAT.

make mine examinations, or is accompanied by such a person, and whose presence in such area is necessary, in the judgment of the operator of the mine, for the proper investigation of the conditions described in the order. "(e) Except as provided in subsection (g) of this section an order issued under subsection (c) or (d) of this section may be annulled, canceled, or revised by the duly authorized representative of the Bureau who issued such order or any other duly authorized representative of the Bureau. "(f) If a duly authorized representative of the Bureau, upon making an inspection of a mine, as authorized in section 202, nnds that methane has been ignited in such mine or finds methane by use of a permissible flame safety lamp or by air analysis in an amount of 0.25 per centum or more in any open workings of such mine when tested at a point not less than twelve inches from the roof, face, or rib, he shall make an order requiring the operator of such mine to comply with the provisions of section 209 of this title which pertain to gassy mines, in the operation of such mine. " (g)(1) If an order is made pursuant to subsection (a) of this section, and a State inspector did not participate in the inspection on which such order is based, the duly authorized representative of the Bureau who issued the order shall notify the State mine inspection or safety agency immediately, but not later than twenty-four hours after the issuance of such order, that such order has been issued. Following such order the operator of the mine may immediately request the State mine inspection or safety agency to assign a State inspector to inspect the mine. The State agency shall then promptly assign a State inspector to inspect the mine affected by such order and file an inspection report with the Bureau and the State agency. The order of the duly authorized representative of the Bureau shall remain in effect, but shall immediately be subject to review as provided in this title. "(2) No order shall be made pursuant to subsection (c) or (d) of this section with respect to a mine in a State in which a State plan approved under section 202(b) is in effect unless a State inspector participated in the inspection on which such order is based and concurs m such order, or an independent inspector appointed under paragraph (3) of this subsection concurs in such order. If the State inspector does not concur in such order, the operator of the mine, the duly authorized representative of the Bureau who proposes to make such order, or the State inspector may apply, within twenty-four hours after the completion of the inspection involved, for the appointment of an independent inspector under paragraph (3). Within five days after the date of his appointment, the independent inspector shall inspect the mine. The representative of the Bureau and the State inspector shall be given the opportunity to accompany the independent inspector during such inspection. If, after such inspection is completed, either the independent inspector or the State inspector concurs m the order, it shall be issued. "(3) Within five days after the date of receipt of an application under paragraph (2) of this subsection, the chief judge of the United States district court for the district in which the mine is involved is located (or in his absence, the clerk of such court) shall appoint a graduate engineer with experience in the coal-mining industry to serve