Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 80 Part 1.djvu/1113

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[80 STAT. 1077]
PUBLIC LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1966
[80 STAT. 1077]

80 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 89-699-OCT. 30, 1966

centum of the sum of (A) plus (B) plus (C) multiplied by the number of years after 1936 in each of which the compensation, wages, or both, paid to him will have been equal to $200 or more; if the basic amount thus computed is less than $18.14, it shall be increased to $18.14;" and (2) by striking out in subdivision (ii) thereof "'49*' wherever it appears and inserting in lieu thereof "52.4, by striking out in such subdivision "12" and inserting in lieu thereof "12.8", by striking out in such subdivision "$40.38" and inserting "$43.15", by striking out in such subdivision "$30.25" and inserting in lieu thereof "$32.37", and by striking out in such subdivision "$16.13" and inserting in lieu thereof "$17.26". (f) Section 5 of such Act is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new subsection: " (m) An annuity payable under this section to an individual, without regard to subsection (h) of this section or the proviso in the first paragraph of section 3(e) of this Act, shall be reduced in accordance with the first two provisos in section 3(a)(1) of this Act except that the amount of the annuity shall not be less than it would be had this Act not been amended in 1966." (g) All pensions under section 6 of the Railroad Retirement Act of 1937, all joint and survivor annuities and survivor annuities deriving from joint and survivor annuities under that Act awarded before the month following the month of enactment of this Act, all widows' and widowers' insurance annuities which began to accrue before the second month following the month of enactment of this Act, and which, in accordance with the proviso in section 5(a) or section 5(b) of the Railroad Retirement Act of 1937, are payable in the amount of a spouse's annuity to which the widow or widower was entitled (except those of such insurance annuities which are based on a spouse's annuity which was payable in the maximum amount as determined in accordance with the provisions of the Social Security Act as amended by the Social Security Amendments of 1965), and all annulties under the Railroad Retirement Act of 1935 are increased by 7 per centum, but such a widow's or widower's annuity in an amount formerly received as a spouse's annuity shall not be increased to an amount above $74.80: Provided, however, That in cases where an individual is entitled to a benefit under title II of the Social Security Act, the additional amount payable because of this subsection shall be reduced by 6.55 per centum of the amount of such social security benefit (disregarding any increases in such benefit based on recomputations other than for the correction of errors after such reduction is first applied and any increases derived from changes in the primary insurance amount through legislation enacted after the Social Security Amendments of 1965): Provided further, That in determining social security benefit amounts for the purpose of this subsection, if such individual's average monthly wage is in excess of $400, only the average monthly wage of $400 shall be used. SEC. 202. (a) The amendments made by section 201 of this title shall be effective with respect to annuities accruing for months after the month in which this Act is enacted, and with respect to pensions due in calendar months after the month next following the month in which this Act is enacted. The amendments made by subsection (e) of section 201 of this title shall be effective as to lump-sum benefits under section 5(f)(1) of the Railroad Retirement Act of 1937 with respect to deaths occurring on or after the date of enactment of this Act.


73 Stat. 27.

^° ^'|^- ^^^^ '^"'^' ^' ^^^• ^^ ^sc 22^8^0. Ante, p. 1075.

50 Stat. 312. 45 USC 228f.

65 Stat. 685.

79 Stat. 286. ^ 42 USC 302note. 49staT.V6V."

" ^ ^^^ 215-228 ^

42 USC 401.

Effective date.

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